✉ Pen Pals ✏ Nguyen Mai

Nguyen mai
username: Hellokitty10755
nickname: Cortney
activeness: 9.5 
415 x 400
CHARACTER NAME: Nguyen Mai (Kwon Kyung Mi)

PLOTLINE: Plotline Four


BIRTHDAY + AGE - 04 14 1993 + 21 years old

BIRTHPLACE + HOMETOWN - Quang Ninh, Vietman + Seoul, South Korea

ETHNICITY - Vietnamese-Korean

HEIGHT - 170 cm

WEIGHT - 54 kg



- Vietnamese ( Advanced )
- Korean ( Advanced )

416 x 310
Face Claim
wang yi/yiyi
416 x 310
back up Face Claim
chen yue/king boo


Kyung Mi is very quiet and always spends her time with her nose stuck in a book. She prefers quiet places because she can relax and wonder off into her own little world. She's very shy, prefering to stay by herself rather than going up to other people and introduce herself. Because she's not very outgoing, she prefers to spend her time in the library, where all her favorite novels are located, rather than going out to clubs or parties. She is also very stubborn girl. Anytime she makes a decision, she has to go through it. Though sometimes it may be a good trait, it's often one of her worst traits because sometimes her decisions aren't the best. Since she's shy, she's very mysterious since she always stays in the background and never really talks to anybody. Despite being shy, she's also quick-tempered. Do one thing wrong and you will face her wrath.

She wishes she were more outgoing though. She watches her classmates have so many people following them and she wishes she were that popular too. But she's also scared of what people might think of her. She studies quite a lot due to her reading so many books and so she never knew how to be outgoing when she was younger. 



Born in Quang Ninh, Vietnam, she was born to Nguyen Hung and Kwon Hyun-Jae. At the age of 13, her family relocated to Seoul, South Korea. Though her parents were caring and kind, they were also very strict. They allowed her to do the things she like but only if she didn't go overboard with them. They were also strict on her future. They wanted her to have a good paying job that will let her have food and a roof over her head. They disregarded Mai's talent for writing because that would never give her a good job but they did let her do it as a hobby. Once Mai entered college, she secretly picked Journalism as her major and she kept it as a secret for a while until her parents found out when they recieved her report card. They were fuming as Journalism is an uncommon and unconvetional major that not many people can get good jobs after they finish college. But after more persuading, her parents finally calmed down after they told her that if anything went wrong after she finished college, it would be her fault.



Father || Nguyen Hung || 56 || Doctor || strict, loving, caring || 
Mother || Kwon Hyun-Jae || 54|| Nurse || strict, calm ||



Seo Joo-Hyun || 23 || Student || Quiet, kind, caring ||



- Reading: when she reads, she gets to escape reality for awhile

- Pastel Colors: she thinks pastel colors are the

​- Mystical Things: she has a broad imagination and it helps when she's reading

- Cameras: taking pictures is a great way for her to relive the memories that she doesn't want to forget

​- Singing: a great way for her to relieve her stress, besides reading
- Flowers: if arranged right, it make any room look happier
​- Quiet places: when things are calm and quiet, she can relax and think about things. 

- Classical Music: very relaxing and it helps her relax when she listens to it

​- The Library: the place where all her favorite books are located

- Rain: It's very relaxing and calming


- Loud Noises: it makes her head throb

- Bad book plot: if you want her to reada book, it better have a good plot to it

​- Clubs: loud noises will kill her

- Humid Weather: Too hot to be outside at all

​- Bugs: they creep her out

- Winter: too cold

​- getting up early: she likes sleeping in


- She was born in Vietnam

- Her favorite jewels are rose quarts

​- Her favorite flowers are jasmines

- She believes in happily ever after and love at first sight

​- She owns a lot of camera necklaces

- She owns a lot of cameras

​- Her favorite camera is her Nixon Nikkor DSLR

- She likes her Vietnamese name better than her Korean name

​- She hasn't had her first kiss yet and plans on giving that to someone special

- Some her camera necklaces are hung on the wall for display while the others are put away

- She knows how to play the piano

- She knows how to make paper stars

- She takes photography class and is in the photography club

- Her favorite quote is "Love is like the wind. You can't see it but you can feel it."



- Photography

- Nail Art

​- Writing Stories

- Daydreaming

​- Drawing


- Staring into space when she's bored

- Crossing her legs when she sits in a chair

​- Covering when she laughs

- Biting her nails when she's nervous

​- Biting her lips to get rid of dry skin


404 x 310


BIRTHDATE + AGE: Janurary 17, 1991 + 23


PERSONALITY:  His blood type is Type A so naturally he wants everything to be perfect because he is a perfectionist and he's very organized. Books must be in order (alphabetical order), picture frames must be lined up, and so forth. He suffers from OCD (Obcessive Compulsion Disorder) and the only way to get that pit in his stomach to go away is for everything to be perfect. He's very honest and hates people who are liars. He's very caring and has a good relationship with his family. He may look like someone who can woo girls easily, but in reality, whenever he's around girls, he gets nervous and clusmy. He's very scared of boneless animals as they look creepy to him. Because he wants everything to be perfect, he works harder every day and his parents are very worried about him because he's very devoted to his work  


HOW YOU MET: Both Kiseop and Mai are in the photography club but they don't interact that much. Kiseop is always very happy and outgoing since he sits in the front of the classroom while Mai prefers to sit in the back of the classroom and listen to the teacher. But when she watches Kiseop, she wishes she could become friends with him but Kiseop doesn't know who she is because she never introduced herself to him. 


INTERACTIONS: They mostly at like strangers in school. They'll say hello if they bump into each other in the hall but other than that, they barely interact. When they became penpals, Mai, of course, knew exactly who her penpal was, but Kiseop, on the other hand, had no idea who Mai was.


BACK-UP: Jung Jiyoung

404 x 310

RIVAL: (optional) 



PERSONALITY: (same as love interest)


HOW YOU MET: (same as love interest)


INTERACTIONS: (same as love interest)



What was your reason for joining the pen pal program?: I want to learn how to be more outgoing and meet knew people instead of just keeping to myself and staying in the background. Plus it seemed like a good way to go out of my comfort zone.

Plotline Four: Why won't you meet him?: When we're writing letters back and forth, I seem like a totally different person. Someone who has a lot of friends, has been to a bunch parties and clubs and hangs out with the popular kids all the time. So if we meet, he'll see that I'm the totally opposite of what he's been reading and I don't want him to dislike me because of that.


COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS: I hope you like Mai! I added a Korean name too just in case. If you have anything you want me to change just let me know. This is just a suggestion but I think that you could do a chapter from the guy's point of view from time to time so we can see what they guys are thinking.


QUESTIONS: Do you need/want a co-author? 



- Mai writing little love quotes at the end of each of her letters and includes a paper star
- Mai passing behind Kiseop while he's reading one of her letters before he hides it
​- Kiseop asking one of his friends if they know a girl named Mai

- Kiseop over-hearing Seohyun call Mai and wondering if that's the girl he's writing to but when he goes to look, they're gone.


PASSWORD: Lee Kiseop



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