
im back at school, therefore lack of updates. 

i hate school. well. i used to love it. let me explain.

i used to study in an infamous elementary school, but im now in a prestigious girls secondary school. but i still preferred life back then 1000X more. it was simple. despite being infamous, my class was very united. and im proud to say that my class had 0 cliques. we were one big clique. we could spend recess with whoever we want to. the teacher was nice too. she cared a lot for us, she was like our mum? she spent a lot of time building our character, and yet teaches through the syllabus thoroughly. i cant ask for a better teacher. 

i've been in my new school for a while now, but my class is... we have about 8 cliques. i haven't even talked to a few of the cliques before. they just stick to themselves so much, i cant get close to them. all i wanted was for the class to be united. not only that, people are calculative here, i used to share freely. now everyone is so calculative. and being in a girls' school, there has got to be gossip. it annoys me so much. people here are also really insensitive, they don't even realise when they have hurt someone else's feelings. they think BECAUSE THEY ARE SMART, THEREFORE PEOPLE MUST LISTEN TO ME. I ABSOLUTELY DETEST THAT ATTITUDE. 

its so different for me, academic success isn't everything to me. i don't make friends with people based on their grades. back in elementary school, i had friends who failed and still are failing. but i realise they are still the best friends i can ask for. i admire their strength to move on when smart people look down on them just because they aren't as smart. but most of them have really good characters. because they don't have everything, therefore they can't really make a deal. their only deal is friends. ( a bit confusing, but what i mean is that they make friends with people who they think they will have fun with, not based on anything else ) because i grew up in this kind of environment, the sudden change is really stressful.

i can't truly be happy. thats why i hate school.



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