Writer / Reader Survey (Stolen from leenaeun :") )

State your fanfiction pen name


Are you more of a reader or a writer?


When did you first start reading or writing fanfiction?

start reading = 2011, start writing = 2011 (few month after reading my first fanfic)

What's the first fanfiction you ever read or wrote? What is it about?

my first fanfic i read was YeWook (Yesung/Ryeowook) rated M, iykwim  :") and my first fanfiction i wrote was a SungminxYuri about girl's monthly problem XD

What ratings do your read/write?

i read and write any rating, from K to M

What was your first fandom?

KyuMin or Joy XD

List all the fandoms you have read or written in.

SJ fandom, Exopink, BeastxApink (is is fandom?), biasxyou or biasxoc /slapped/

What is your favorite fandom to read or write about?

when i started to write or read, it's Kyumin or YeWook, but for now it's kaieun

Any fandom you would like to write in?

i'm not interesting to write any fandom except kaieun or myungeun ._.

What was your first ship?

KyuMin XD

List all the pairings you have read or written in

KyuMin, YeWook, EunHae, MiKyu, ZhouRy, KaiEun, MyungEun, BaekJi, SuRong, KrisRong, DongJoo, YeolMi, ZeYoung, DOxOC... anyway i had read KyuhyunxNaeun pairing XD i'm so wow XD

What is your favorite pairing to read or write about?

everything if Naeun is the main role, as long as it's not angst thingy

Is there any pairing you refuse to read or write about?

i never thinking about other pairing

What is your favorite genre?


What is your least favorite genre?

honestly, i never like angst, but i enjoy to write angst (?)

Any genre you would like to read or write for?


List all of your favorites writer?

there was some writer of in the past. but since there was a troublemaker in ffn, they moved from ffn and i forget their author's names

Which writers inspires your own work?


What story has the most impact to you, so much that you remember it all the time?

Kim Family Trees by Kim Taena

What is the website you use most to read or write fanfiction?

well, for write, i used to write on ffn, my facebook page, my blog, my wp and aff. For reading, i used to visit ffindo, readfanfiction, facebook page and aff for sure

Any certain things you avoid reading or writing about?

for reading is angst... for writing... i dunno.

What do you enjoy best about fanfiction in general?

i enjoy to imagining how the story running. both of reading and writing. especially for writing, i want to share my imagination to the readers. i'm happy if the readers happy. i'm more happy if the readers critics my fanfic and i feel like this person must be care for my ff. i cant describe with other words, i really enjoy to drown in ff world

Does the number of reviews tell how good a story is?

i don't think so. how if some of reviewers are critics? 

How long should a chapter be?

minimal 2000 or 3000 i think

Have you ever flamed someone?

flamed? blamed? i never to that. but if i read a story and i think the story is mess from plot, writing and etc, i will comment so long to tell the author how it should be. i dont care if the author mad or not, but i care for the author's future (?)

Have you ever been flamed?

flamed is blamed? orz. well there's alien who come to my blog and comment unnecessary thing and it makes my blog irritation. is that flamed? XD

Do you roleplay online?

well.. yes XD it gives me some inspiration too XD

~~~( Writers Only )~~~

How many published fanfictions have you written?

i have many useful fanfics published......

Which one of your fanfictions has the most words? The most upvotes? The most subscribers? The most views? The most comments? How many?

the most word? all of my ff (except drabble) is about 1500 to 2000 words ._. , the most upvote i think it's He is a Mafia, the most sub is.... Our First Night lol, the most view i think my BaekJi ff, In Your Eyes, the most comment is..... my fanfic.... You are Mine....

At the moment, which one of your fanfictions is your favorite or your most proud of? (you can included unpublished fanfictions)

You are Mine... it's my first collab with my friend. It was suspence+tragedy+heavy angst+crime and i was proud

Out of all characters you have written, which one do you feel you identify the most with?

well.... no...

Do you use beta reader?

any volunteer?

What warnings have you used on your stories?

i always put typos warning in the past

What makes you happy the most as a writer?

when i publish my story and got some comments. dont get me wrong. i just want to know how readers feel towards my ff. i like if readers honest to me, just tell me if my story is good or not so i can improve my skill. but beside all, if readers are happy, i become happy too and it will be my motive to write more and more.

Have you ever stolen something from another person's work?

pmsl no laaa.. but some times movie and manga can be my inspiration....

What do you feel is your biggest challenge when writing?

in my first time as author, i dont have laptop or computer. so i go to internet cafe for two hours and it was my biggest challenge. i'm not that great to write a ff in 2 hours and i end up with a drabble... lol

Do you have any certain ritual to do before or while or after you write?

daydreaming, watching movies, sleep (?)

Do you actively advertise your story or request for reviews or upvotes?

in the past yes.. but for now, it up to readers. i cant forced them as long as they loyal to read my story until end.

Would you ever want a trailer for a fanfiction you've written to be made?

ofc.. i even made two trailer videos, but im lazy to write the ff lol


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eeehh maaf thor baru baca hehehe ^^