SHINee Quiz [Stolen from mayamartin7b]

1. Who is your bias?



2. Where and when did you first recognize SHINee?

At home :) When I saw my sis listening to 'Hello' and I was like: Oh, the song's nice. They helped me get into the kpop world :)

3. What was the first reaction you showed when you first saw SHINee?

I was like: They can sing and dance really well! And they look so handsome and cute ><

4. Who is the first person who grabbed your attention the first time you saw SHINee?

Jonghyun. He was my first ever bias. I don't even know how I fell for a Dino. 


5.Who is the person in SHINee that you thought you would never fell in love with at the first time, but now your picturegallery is full of his photos right now? Why did you fall in love with him?

Taemin. My phone isn't full of his pics tho. It's Key XD I also don't know why I fell in love with him. Maybe because he was cute...but sometimes embarrassing...

6. Whose voice which firstly grabbed your attention when you firstly recognized SHINee?

TBH, when I first saw them I thought all their voices sounded same. But after being a shawol for quite a long time, I could recognize their voices and Key's voice was very unique so it caught my attention. 

7. Which song of SHINee that you liked even before you became a Shawol?

Hello. :) 

8. What variety shows that you first saw where actually SHINee was there, but you did not notice because you were not a Shawol yet and you ended up finding yourself searching all over Google to find the the variety shows?

None. I only watched their shows after I became a Shawol

9. Which dance moves you first learned from SHINee?

Lucifer handcuff dance.

10. Which member has changed much in your point of view from their debut days until now?


11. Which member that you think is in a relationship right now or at least have been in a relationship after their debut? And with whom? (except Jonghyun)

IDK. :)) But if they do, I will surely support them as long as I think the girl is fine. 

12. Do you think SHINee members have ever fought before?

Of course. There's a freakin' Tom & Jerry in there. A "Good" friend. And SHINee. :) 

13. Are you now expecting that at least one of them has a relationship with another celebrity? If yes, with whom?

Yes. Onew and Luna:) LuNew <3 

14. Lastly, have you ever thought of what they will do individually when the group has split up? (I am just being realistic here. There is probably no way they will still stick together until they, at least, get married)

Onew would be advertising chicken for life. 

Jonghyun would be a song composer. :)

Key would be a fashion designer ^^

Minho maybe a soccer coach? 

And Taemin a Dance instructor. XD 


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