Good&Bad; of having a twin...

Hi everyone :). Some of you guys/girls know I have a twin. So I'm here to tell you the good of having a twin and the bad. So let's get started!


 There are some bad things about having a twin, depending what personality your twin has. Well for me my twin is very sarcastic and blunt but she is in the 'popular group' She's basically a play girl ( if that exists ) she   loves to be loud and likes to party. She's a prankster too. You would think if she's popular then I would be too but because of my parents we went to seperate schools. You would think that we wouldn't get confused for each other but that's not how reality works. We both look alike so if one of us goes out we would get confused with the other. A few days ago I went to Starbucks with my best friend, and my sister Allison had just broken up with her boyfriend Jack or whatever his name was a few days before. So anyway we go in Starbucks and I'm standing in line, waiting to order our drinks and I haven't drank Starbucks in a few months so I'm really craving it. And a few minutes passed and I'm still in line, I hear the door open and all of sudden someone grabs my shoulder, and they spin me around. In front of me is Allison's ex boyfriend and he's clearly upset. He starts to yell about stuff that I have no idea about. He then says I love you and I'm like ' Hold up.' I'm the end my friend and I left and I never got my Starbucks...-_-. 

Another thing that of having a twin is that since we never went to the same school, we would have to attend each others open houses and we would be forced to socialize with each others friends.. And I'm not even going to start about that story. Anyway when I told people I had a twin they would say, " Stop lying. Show me a pic." So I did and they would be like " That's you." Um..Hello? Why would I be wearing a skirt?! That's why it's easier to have internet friends.. 

I remember one time where I got slapped by a girl who took me for Allison, I also got water in a bucket thrown at me...Stupid Allison...

another bad thing is that since both our nicknames are similar. My nickname is Muse while hers is Music. Our brothers/sister would say " Mu noona~" we both would turn around. And since were both the oldest         ( Allison is older by 1 minute) my siblings would yell " NOONA!!" And since our rooms are across from each other we would run out and slam into each other....OW...Siblings if any of you brats are reading, first off get off of my computer, second off be more specific.

one last thing Dates. Am I forced to go? Only if I value my life. And my sanity which I do.


enough with the bad. There are good things about having a twin.

1. If you get in trouble you can always blame the other one.

2. I don't know if this applies to everyone but  my twin is nice to me. But first here's some background info that you'll need to know. When I was little I was bullied really bad but I kept going to school. So if I wasn't able to go to school she would go in my place and act like me. Thanks sis

3. You can model for the other...

4.there is never going to be another person who understands you better then your twin.

 Well that's all for now, please leave down in the comments if I missed anything. Thank you!

P.S My twin Allison DOES have a aff account if you wish to be friend her it's himchanismylife. I like Youngjae better...


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himchanismylife #1
............ Why is there more bad then good? -_-" I see where your love for me stands. I love you too