Weekly idol is daa best :)

reason why i like weekly idol.

1. i can see idol(s)

2. bomi (and ilhoon) is the co host (not to forget they sometimes call namjjoo or sungjae)

3. donii loves cube :) how he support apink, he use hayoung unfamous giraffe, he care for bomi, gna too. not to forget btob, 4minute and beast.

4. they prefer btob,APINK,BEAST AND INFINITE as their family not as the guest. i just watched beast recent weekly idol and doni said himself that whenever beast and infinite came they always prepare new corner(new things)

the show usually airs around 30 minute but,

Apink got around 50 minute, beast got around 40 minute they even erased 'i wonder if you know' cormer for them, and infinite airs for 2 week time slot.

5. many of my ships sail. 


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Yes <3 BEAST's recent episode was so funny <3 CUBE family is definitely loved <3 INFINITE is always fun too. Weekly Idol is one of my favorite shows too ^^
I love this show; the amount of LOLs is always tremendous :D