starless // Gi Yun

chloe Amelia Jang

// you - the applicant //

Username: Jewel_ELF
Nickname: Krissy
Active Rate: 8


// you - the human //

Full Name: Chloe Amelia Jung

→ Lia (Nickname used by friends)

Other Name(s): 
→Jung Gi Yun (Korean name) 

DOB: 940929 + 19

Birthplace + Hometown: Brisbane, Australia + Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Austrialian

→ English (Native)
→ French (Fluent)
→ Latin (Conversational)
→ Korean (Conversational)


Height + Weight: 174 cm + 50 kg


// you are, who you are //

Personality Traits:
+; Very good student, good with people, trustworthy, innocent
-; Little bit childish, trustworthy, innocent

Personality: Lia works very, very hard in school. She was a stright A student and she was great with people. Never would she go by someone who was upset and not say anything. She likes being able to put a smile on peoples faces. She would rather she be upset or sad than other people.  She is rather trusting of people, she expects people to do what they say and she will trust them even if they dont deserve it. Lia also is very hard working. She wont give up on something if she thinks she can do it. On occasion, more often though, she can act a bit childish. She doesnt act bratty, she is just more innocent than people think she is. She hasnt been exposed to a lot of the things other people have been, so her face will get red at the mention of some things.  By her actions, people would asume she is the maknae. People trust her and the fans fell for her quickly

Background: Ever since she could remeber, Lia has looked up to her older brother. She wanted to be just like him when she grew up. Jason started to sing, so Lia started to sing. Jason started reading Harry Potter so Lia started reading Harry Potter. She wanted to be just like him. 
Lia was five when she first stated wanting to sing. She saw her brother do it and she knew she would do it too. Her parents werent supportive, but let her. They thought it was just a fad their kids were going through. It wasnt though. Not only did the two of them continue to sing, but they got very good at it. Lia and Jason got to be very close, dispise their . 
Jason left for South Korea when Lia was thirteen. She kept practicing so that she would be able to join her brother. It was a lot harder without her brother there. Her parents were very much against her going into a singing carere and pushed her towards collage instead. Lia said she woudl stop, but continued practiing in secret. She kept that up for almost two years before her parents found out. 
They had a long, large fight that didnt result in any sort of gain. Lia made the declarationo that she was going to go to South Korea and audition. She convinced her parents into a deal. If she didnt debut she would come home and go to school. Any school they wanted. They agreed. 
The three of them flew to South Korea and Lia audtioned for Starkim Entertainment first. When she didnt get in Jason told her to try again with another company. She had to wait a few days, but she auditioned for an entertainment called Big Hit. She was accepted the first round and her parents agreed to let her stay. They couldnt go back on their deal, but they added something to it. She only had five years and she was done. If she didnt debut before she was 20 she was coming home. 
Lia spent sll of her time working on something; school, training, leaning Korean, you name it and she was working on it. She had virtully no social life. She didnt meet any people outside of school and her entertainment. If she wasnt sleeping or at school she was at the studio, singing and dancing. Her singing was already top notch, but her dancing improved dramatically. She even tried her hand at rapping and surprisingly she took to it incredibly well. She could sing, rap and dance very well. Her dancing was the least best of the three, but she was still great at it. On the chance she had off time she spent it with Jason and the rest of LEDapple. They still continued to stay close. 
She trained with Big Hit for four years and she was growing desparate. She only had a year left to debut or she was going home. She didnt want to go home so she completly threw herself at training. She just had to debut, the past four years would have been waisted and she would be leaving. Soul was her home now, she couldnt leave. It was sugjested that she stick to singing and try it later sometime. 
Roumors started spreading around that a new group was going to debut and Lia got hopeful. The group was to be a girls group and they already knew who they wanted. When someone approched Lia she was already giddy, she hardly paid any attention to what they were saying. But she was in, she was going to be debuting with six other girls in a group called Starless. 
The first thing she did was call Jason and tell him. He came over and they skyped their parents to tell them the news. They were hapy, but they still wanted her to go to collage. She refused to go back, she was going to 


// yay or nay //

→ Mythology
→ Naps/sleep/not being tired
→ Riding on trains
→ Cats 
→ Night times and stars

→ Spiders. When she was little she was attacked by a nest of wolf spiders and has been terrified of them since. She was in the hospital for 5 weeks
→ Humidity, she is fine with heat, but not huidity
→ People who arent open minded
→ People who are super, super skinny. Its not normal

→ Singing, its her passion
→ Hanging out with Jason
→ Cooking
→ Being outside, around people

→ If she sees a spider she will freeze then get away as fast as she can. She doesnt make noise though
→ If she hers a song she knows she will sing along to it, regardless of where she is. 
→ She moves in her sleep, i.e around the dorm 
→ She keeps her hair blonde

→ Spider bites

→ She has a lisp
→ She is alergic to nuts and beans
→ She loves to cook
→ She has kept her hair blond since she came to Korea
→ She can write with both hands
→ She loves Teen Top and Neil is her bias. They were her first group and she has loved him since she first saw them
→ She still has problems using chopsticks
→ It is awkward speaking in English, after speaking Korean for such a long time
→ She prides herself that she knows most of the groups in K pop
→ She has never drank or smoked
→ She has never had a boyfriend
→ She doesnt swear
→ She still doesnt know Korean completly



// here i am //

Faceclaim: Jung Moa

Backup Faceclaim: Joo

Appearance: She always keeps her hair dyed blonde

→ Dorm/Practice: Very relaxed, not extravegant. Lots of sweatpants and shorts
→ Airport: Lots of solid white or black. Something flowy and classy. 
→ Casual/Special: She likes being able to wear really nice dresses
→ Regular Basis: (I dont know how to desribe it, so here are some links)


// you - the idol //

Stage Name: Giyun

Stage Persona: Sweatheart of the stage

Position + Backup:Triple threat + Main Vocal, Dancer

Fanclub Name + Color: Beauties + #00847F

Singing Twin: Zuny of Ladies Code

Rapping Twin: Zinger of Secret

Dancing Twin: Luna of f(x)

Talking Twin: Zinger of Secret


// loving u //

Love Interest:  Hwang Min Hyun

Status: Havent met yet

Backup: Kang Dong Ho

Personality: He is very sharp and sees things others often miss. He is quite smart and very confident. He knows wat he is doing and he goes for it. He is generous with his things but is a bit stubborn. He can be over dramatic but  he is very loyal.

Meeting: After Starless debut, they were on a variety show with NU'EST. Minhyun and Lia were paired up for a game. They talked until it was their turn and they felt an instant friendship. 

Interaction(s): They spend a lot o time just talking with each other. They dont get to go out much, but they talk every day. They find reasons to see the other; appearing at a concert, mcing, anything. Minhyun really likes her, a lot. 
Minhyun was told by hi manager not to get involved with Lia, but that didnt stop him. He just wants to spend time with her, but he cant. Lia is the same, but she thinks that getting involved with someone could hurt her chances of making it big, then she would have to go home.


// me - the author © //

Scene Suggestion(s): Sometime when she is asked something in English and she freezes. It took her a minute to remember how to respond with English. 
Password: Nom nom nom


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