Online Friendship - Formal essay-- HELP ME.

so i'm writing an essay about how online friendships are as real as in real person friendships.

Caan you guys help me and comment down your thoughts and opinions about this topic?


i'm having trouble on how to structure my essay when i don't even know the main topics/points as the middle of the essay.


also, what is your definition of friend? since everyone has their own, in my opinion.


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My definition of a friend is... A friend is a person that you can trust about everything, a person that will listen to your bull and take it as their own. A firend is someone that will be there for you at your hardest moments and help you get through them and go through all the phases of life that you together will come across.
Therefore it doesn't matter if you see each other eye to eye or eye to webcam, because if a person you met through internet that lives on the other half of the world, or not so far is also a person you trust and cherish then your friendship is real.

I hope I helped at least a little bit,sorry my grammar may be lacking a little bit.