
Ok.. My school reopen next week. This are the three thing i am going to freak out. 1. Fasting month 2. Prelims examination 3. Not allow to use my draft story. Yes, there are a lot story i havent completed. I suddenly lost my aspiration for writing. Being and author wasnt my first choice in dream, but i will try. As for now, i will released variety of one shot instead of novel. I am the worse writer xP But i wont give up ^^ Anyway, check out my soundcloud and my un is Squishystyle. Follow me in instagram, Squishystyle_ Anyone roleplay in twitter? @lily93iu_RM Anyone want my twitter? @Squishystyle For long time i nvr log in into my twitter than my rp acc xD Anything just ask and i am glad to be able to help ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ


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