omo omo omo! xD

so you know how SM TOWN has global auditions every year right!?


Well I wanted to go and audtion for the 2012 auditions   in New York (because that's where the one of the audtion spots are and i live close to NY) and i was sure that my mom would say no that i couldn't....but she said YES omo omo omo she said YES!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!

And then she said that she'd even drive me up to New York :D


oh my gosh, so i'm so excited! Now I have to fill everything out and then practice like crazy until the 18th of Feb comes (that's the day for auditions in NY) but there's sone small problem D:

I don't know what to sing, most likey i'm going to sing a song an english but i have no clue on what that song should be :|

any ideas?


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@viennax thanks i never thought about that song. lol ironic right.
You could try singing Taeyang's Wedding Dress? And well, there's both English and Korean version for it, so I don't think it's gonna hurt to sing that song (unless SM global auditions says that you can't sing a song from a different company :/)