Wu Yi Fan

i don't care what people say, Kris is going to do a jay park!

For those of you who don't know. Jay park was in 2pm, but when an email from him to his friend leaked about him saying 'korea is sh*t' (or something like that i can't remember fully) his company made him leave the group, and he wasn't allowd back in korea. After a while he set up a youtube account where he sang covers of songs and he has now got his own company (AOM-art of movement) and is back in the kpop industry, although he mainly does T.V in korea now. 

I know Kris' story may sound very different to Jay's but even though Kris can't go back to korea (yet; they cancelled his flight back to korea four times) i still think he's going to be back in the kpop industry very soon. 

I also read somewhere that he is already releasing a single?? Would someone please tell me if that is true or not.

I don't know why, but i just felt like sharing my view about this whole situation!



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Popculurejunkie #1
I hope your right