The most important in a story.

I wonder what  is the most important in a story. But I bet it depend on the author, isn't? I would like to thank you to the readers who were sharing with me some of their favourite stories in my previous blog ^^ I read some of them ^^  

What do you think about stories these days?, especially the one that you read and the one you write? which one you prefer? How your style in writing?


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Stories these days are just so cliched, and it's mostly in AFF. Even manga are getting more and more repetitive. Which is a shame since manga used to be so good back then.
I definitely hate stories with romance or stoies with marriage as the solution. Idk but these two things made me either stay away or read it due to curiosity lol. OCs that are obviously self insert or mary sue are just bleah no.
in a similar vein, i hate self-insert characters, because people tend to see the best in themselves and therefore don't want to up their characters because they don't want to themselves over. you know? there's a kind of mental block to writing self-inserts, especially if you're not all that self-aware. i also hate characters that are predescribed by the author (like she's super nice and friendly or something but her actions make her out to be a gigantic ). i feel like christopher paolini did that a lot, especially with characters like sloan and kind of murtagh until he pulled something out of his . reasons why i didn't like the inheritance series lol. that, and also eragon was a gigantic whinyass sue.

i guess that kind of falls under a gigantic umbrella of "show, don't tell", which can make a story seem much fuller and more interesting. i haven't found many good ones on aff, though. like if you actually want to read good fic, go on ao3 or livejournal communities.

and then of course there has to be decent grammar. bad grammar just detracts so much from a reading experience.
for me? probably writing style, actually. like plot is important and all, but if it's written well, i can read something with a really ty plot and still enjoy it. like "and i set fire to basically everything" has a pretty uninteresting plot, but it's a good read nonetheless (and it's crack, which probably helps matters lol). and little women has like several sues and way too much purple prose but still manages to be a good read.

but i mean plot helps. like ocean's 13 has a awesome premise and is pretty awesome, i've got nothing to do but smile is amazing, and boden's mate is probably one of my favorites fics of all time and fandoms.

and not having ty characters helps. i hate wish fulfillment stories, which is why i immediately get wary around female oc's on aff. it's way too easy to make them at least a black hole sue, if not a normal sue. it's also way too easy to write those stories simply to put your wish fulfillment character in a relationship with your bias, which turns him into a satellite love interest, and then everything just gets really flat and boring. it's even worse when you've got like three boys circling this girl, especially if she's self-described "not popular" or "not that pretty" (i could kill stephanie meyer for this. not literally). it's great evidence of a black hole sue, actually.
I hate too high level of english cause i have hard time understanding those lol. A fic with no feels, Like even if its a great plot with good high level of english makes it boring. And long chapters, it takes me 2days to read a chapter. As long as there is feels i'm ohorat XD
shining_writer #5
I hate the cliched stories because of the message they portray, I have experiences in my life which leads me to believe that people can't survive on love/have a lasting relationship if you chose to be someone's bf/gf just because they are attractive.

I do not like the cliched stories because they have derogatory messages, I know it's all the the media shows us and they are merely putting it into words but I still hate that with all my heart and soul. I like realistic stories, love stories, not just the cliched romance but also different types of relationships, the stories that tells us how someone's background can affect their perception on love/success/life, the character dynamics, portrayal of love, different types of love.

I ain't telling you about how if it's love then it can only be right because something called toxic relationships exist and there is love in there, but can someone tell me why toxic relationships can't work? Yeah that's what important in a story. Not to criticise any author in particular, I'm just tired of romance .

It varies for any genre but if you're writing a love story then I think you get my point.
I think my style varies. I can be fairly descriptive sometimes or straight to the point in my stories due to the different stories I'm reading.
I write and concentrate alot on simple stuffs so my stories tend to look simple. I would like my stories to be more descriptive and more lively.
Stories these days tend to have lesser descriptive points unlike the old stories I've read. Most of the stories I read now are very straight to the point. hehehe
YongNa #7
i would like to share mine as an author ^^
Actually, i think the most important things are the plot and how can an author make the readers imagine what they actually write. And to be able to do that, wide range of vocabulary and different style of writing is a must. And sadly, i don't really have both that. Haha XD

Still improving myself though //grins//