So, GUYS, GUYS GUYS, one of my favorite authors in the world talked to me on twitter! (His name is, in pig latin oshJ UndquistS)

And I told him that I did his book for  my speech and debate piece, and he was like, "Really? Can I have a script? Do you have a video of you performing it?"

And so I sent him my dramatic interp speech (I will film and post this to you guys later)

And I also sent him my original oratory. And this post is like, "Hey, you guys haven't really seen my writing in a long LONG while, so I'm going to show you guys of what my recent writing sounds like"

So here it is. My Original Oratory, "Even Time Travelers Regret"


Remember when you were a little kid, and the hardest question that anyone would ever ask you was, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

Well, when I was a kid, the only thing that I wanted to be when I grew up was to be a time traveler.

Okay, I’m lying. I also wanted to be a warrior princess like Mulan, but after my first martial arts class, I learned that I’m very bad with hand eye coordination. And I was afraid of getting hit…And I got hit…A lot.

Now? Well, I still want to be a time traveler, but because of various reasons. First of all, I’ve always wanted to know what it felt like to go into the past and meet Ronald Reagan, or be a flapper in the 1920’s. Secondly, I’m a huge fan of Doctor who, and I would love to travel in time with the Doctor. And lastly, I have regrets and I sometimes wish I could change them. Such as, I wish I was a nerd in middle school. I take the title “nerd” in pride Nerds such as I have this term because we like being extremely enthusiastic about things, up to the point where we jump up and down in our chairs or in the mall because we cannot control our excitement.

I was a nerd up until middle school where being in a certain social group was important. Worse of all, it was an extremely Fundamentalist Baptist school, so everyone but me went to the same church, and worse of all, everyone thought the same—meaning, if I had thought differently from them, then I would be the social outcast (which I already was). Their thoughts soon became my thoughts—and now that I look back on it, it was awful. I couldn’t say my thoughts out loud without hearing, “Shut up, you’re being weird again”, and I couldn’t express my joy without being called bizarre.

I was kind of like Elsa. “Be the good girl you always have to be. Conceal, don’t feel. Don’t let them know.”

And I wish I had a time machine so that I could go back into the past and change things—like the time my middle school principal made me stop drawing because my artwork was “against” God when the only thing against God about them was the fact that the girls wore skirts above their knees. But that lead to my depression because I practically had no friends. Or how I wish I could change the fact that my friend’s mother who called me fat every. time. she. saw me. Thus, giving me a horrible self conscious, or how my friends in middle school would make fun of me for my insecurities, thus giving me trust issues and anxieties.

But you see, if I did have a time machine, then I wouldn’t be the person that I am today. If the principal hadn’t “banned” me from drawing, then I would have never left that school. If my friend’s mother hadn’t called me overweight I would never had been able to accept myself. And lastly, if my friends from middle school hadn’t betrayed me or made fun of me as they did before, then I wouldn’t have figured out that I deserved better, and thus have made the amazing friends that I have today who accept me, flaws and all. Although, they are a bit weird. And by a bit, I mean extremely..extremely weird. I am oddly happy to say that one friend has a plot for world domination. But I’m slightly sad that she gave me Canada. I mean, I’m happy, but...Canada. Canada. CANADA. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? RIDE MOOSE ALL DAY?!


Yes, I’ve seen Frozen a bunch of times. Six times legally, and six times illegally. And don’t judge me, I’m a poor student that has no job.

But yes, like everyone on earth, I wished I had a time machine so that I could change my past but everyone regrets their 14 year old selves, it’s a part of life. Don’t tell me any of you don’t, and if you don’t, you’re either 14, or YOU SIT ON THE THRONE OF LIES.

But everyone goes through hard times. And sometimes, we just think that we won’t be able to get past our difficulties. But just look around to other people who have gone through hard times. Mulan wasn’t the perfect bride, and she had to pretend to be a man! I mean, girls don’t have that organ that we can pee while standing up! Or even Elsa! I mean, she was locked up in her own room for years—and worse of all, it was at a time where there was no internet! NO. INTERNET!

Now, enough with fictional characters for now. I will now tell you of a man that actually exists in our reality.

He was 24, his girlfriend had broken up with him, he was living in Chicago with what had been their cat. He was living with depression. He was trying to write a novel, but couldn’t write what he had liked in a year. What he would eat or drink would just be sprite, which, despite the lemon and lime, could still give you scurvy. He moved back with his parents, got back into daily therapy and had much better medication. That man is John Green, writer of “The Fault in our Stars”, co-creator of Vidcon, Crashcourse and began Project for Awesome. If you don’t know him, to describe his popularity, he had an event at Carnegie Hall which sold at lightning speed, and according to the Huffington Post, the audience there screamed louder than a roomful of Beliebers.  And I think we all know how those Beliebers are.

He has a brother, Hank Green. Also part of the Vlogbrothers. Both were bullied. When asked how he dealt with it at LeakyCon, Hank replied, “I didn’t deal with it, I survived it, but I never dealt with it. So here are two tips from someone with lots of experience. 1: It’s not about you, it has nothing to do with you, it’s about the s doing it to you. 2: Your job is not to deal with it, your job is to survive it, which you CAN do because it WILL end. And then yes, it will get better.”

The last man I will tell you about is a man named Josh Sundquist. You probably don’t know him. When he was nine, he was diagnosed with Ewrings Sarcoma, a cancer that eventually had his leg amputated when he was 10. In his Autobiography, “Just Don’t Fall”, you begin reading in this little boy’s voice, so innocent—so innocent that he thought that when he kissed a girl, that he would get AIDs. But soon, you see this boy that goes to high school that gets bullied because people thought he was doing a pimp walk, when in reality; he was limping because he had a fake leg. You see his boy who got so angry, that he yelled, “I AM NOT EFFING HANDICAPPED” because he was so frustrated. But he became the man that became a Paralympic ski racer, a famous youtuber, and he’s the inspiration of Augustus Waters, a character from the bestselling novel, “The Fault in our Stars”

Those men are the people that I look up to. Not because of their success, but because of what they had to go through to get to their success. And there are so many other people I could talk to you about, but I will only talk about a Time Traveler. Because Time Travelers also go through character development and his name is the Doctor. From Doctor Who.

In the very beginnings of the show, the Doctor is this very scary character. He doesn’t like getting close to people, he dislikes people in fact. But as the show progresses over the years, he becomes this silly old man whom you cannot help but love. But the Doctor shows a very important change in human life. You see, the Doctor doesn’t die. He regenerates. He has 12 regeneration cycles, meaning he has 13 lives—kind of like a cat, only…With every regeneration cycle he uses, he changes his face, along with his personality. To be honest, we as people regenerate all through our lives. We're all different people all through our lives. And that's okay, that's good, we've got to keep moving, so long as we remember all the people that you used to be.

No, I will never be a time traveler, sadly enough. But I’m not exactly sad about it, because that’s the funny thing about life. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but what I do know is that I’m going to regret. And regret regretting, and that’s okay because I’m going to laugh at some of my regrets eventually because I would have learned from it—and because some of them were really stupid.

You know, Thomas Edison's last words were 'It's very beautiful over there'. I don't know where there is, but I believe it's somewhere, and I hope it's beautiful. Because at certain situations, it’s terrible, and I can only hope it’s beautiful. Lastly, in the words of the Doctor, “Life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant.” So go ahead, regret, make stupid mistakes. Because you’re human, not a time traveler. Your mistakes will form and mold who you are. And that’s why I’m okay with not being a time traveler anymore.


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sincerly_me #1
What did he say
Really good oratory!
Very well written! I thought so. And John Green? Hank Green? I don't follow either of the persons, but whaaaat? That's awesome:P
wowwfantasticbabyy #4
This is awesome! I can't wait to see the video of your speech!!!
Ahhhh your oratory was really good. I really liked it c:
I also really want to see the video of your speech haha
Anyway, I loved your oratory and I hope you write more like it soon. :)
kaylalukman #6
I want to see the video of your speech :D
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a police, or a bodyguard, because I loooove to play tag, and I wanted to catch bad guys
Anyway, I love your oratory, and now I remember how my relatives would call me fat, and that I would cry in the toilet because of the insults. _.
Looking back now, I know I was stupid for listening to their hurtful words