Baekhyeon thoughts

Since everyone is talking about the big news with Baekhyun and Taeyeon,  I thought I should add my thoughts.  Honestly I'm actually happy for them.  Both of them are my biases in their groups but Baekhyun is not my ultimate bias.  So I'm not upset about this at all.  I wouldn't even be upset if my ultimate bias started dating.  I would give them total support just like I am doing with Baekhyun and Taeyeon.  I hope they are happy together.  I'm especially happy for Taeyeon who is my ultimate girl bias.


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I like both Baekhyun and Taeyeon, even though it was a bit sad when I heard the news, I'm not the type of person to say no to idol relationships. It's cute how they're together. I don't mind if they're dating, I just hope they're happy with each other. Rarely I would be against idols dating, and that's usually when I don't approve that kind of girl or guy for the idol. Overall, I'm happy for the both of them.