
When Taeyeon and Baekhyun's dating news came out, all of us were shocked, depressed and feel betrayed and I understand all of you guys. But  when I have read taeyeon's comments on IG, I realized that as a fan we need to support them instead of hating. 


Taeyeon is my Ultimate Bias and I ship Taeny so so bad. Of course when Tiffany's dating news came out I was god damn hurt too. But still Taeny and many idols out there are still humans and have the right to date just like us. Taeyeon and Tiffany are also at right age to date. So please stop hating Taeyeon and also Baekhyun. We might be hurt but we don't know how hurt taeyeon is right now. She might be hurt a lot more than us. Let's be mature guys, nothing is going to change even if she's already dating. She will always be the kid leader that we've always known and love and Taeny will always be there making us happy. 



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from what i see taeyeon shouldn't do the apology message why? coz fans was not mad because of her dating someone it's because of her attitude
when she apologize it was started as pointing her relationship that she made fans sad or somewhat disappointed but the actual reason why fans are upset is because the hidden message from some of her post and what make fans anger more is taeyeon is apologizing for the reason that fans is not even mad

in short taeyeon didn't know what is the actual reason why fans act like that
it's better if she just keep quiet that time but no she still proceed and say she didn't mean that way (about the photos) and when she said that fans start posting some evidence that taeyeon fooled them

taeyeon is the one who triggered the anger of some fans she shouldn't post anything while her news is still hot topic

when she said she didn't mean that way about the photos that somewhat has connection to bacon on what fans say that the time where fans attack her more with their evidence

there are netiz9n post about the IG post you can search it

and the latest one that i see is this

taeyeon should follow what tiffany do when her dating news confirmed tiffany just stay quiet and let the issue died down
but from what taeyeon did she should face the consequence

i appreciate her bravery to comfort fans but it's not the right time

i don't hate taeyeon
im still her fan
but now my perspective on her somewhat change
she pull out the lonely image saying she don't have friends expect snsd she don't have boyfriend when in fact she has and this is the other reason why fans still upset on her
BaeJoohyunIsMyBae #2
I agree so much with you. :)