Respect for the dead

Today I had a trip to Ypres in Belgium as ending to the project ‘opening minds’. The whole week we got lectures and workshops about the theme war and peace, mainly focusing on the World War One. We had to research a soldier and write a poem to put on his grave.

When we arrived at the first cemetery there were some classes from England there. They were being so disrespectful. Some girls were even taking selfies with graves (with a duckface which makes it even worse and cringe worthy), further they were running around and climbing on monuments.

On the second cemetery we had to visit I got to the point that swore at someone for jumping over some graves.

Those people DIED to protect their homeland and some weren’t even old enough to actually join. Are you really going to behave like you’re a kid on a playground? A cemetery is a place to pay your respect to the dead so HAVE SOME DAMN RESPECT!

I’m sorry but this frustrated me a lot especially since my class and I visited our soldiers and it almost felt like we knew them.


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Disrespectful! And a selfie?? With. A .Duckface?!?! SO WRONG *shudders* I'm glad you swore at that one kid. Man, unbelievable
stephani_bap #2
you right. they shouldn't do that in cemetery