you can angry with me or bash me with a hurt word but this is my opinion. and i dont care if many fan angry than agree with this entry. what i care is we need respect in our life. so, be respect to other people.dont be rude even they/we dont have a same thought. after baekyeon news, many sone let out their opinion but only some of them learn how to appreciate other's opinion. some fan admit theirselves as a real sone and bash other sone that cant accept bakyeon news, saying that they are fake sone only make a bleeding heart be more hurt. who are you to deciding whether they are fake or not?, i know all of sone still shock with the too...honestly. i not post this entry to argue with others fan. it just my opinion but still i sad when sone accuse other sone as a fake....just like you admit yourself as a real sone that support and care about snsd's heart and feeling, be consider to other fan. they angry because they have a feeling and just like you respect taeyeon's or other snsd feeling, respect them too. they just a human. for angry sone that cant accept the news, just avoid from using google...never read an article about snsd and be strong. i also like you. mad. but be moderate. let keep supporting our nine angel even we dont have a same thought. fake or real, we are sone. we are their supporter. so, it more better if we united...


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i agree with u
Sirrashid #2
Honestly, every time I see an article about Taeyeon, I want to cry. She doesn't deserve the amount of hate she's getting.

I don't blame Sones who can't accept the news, I just don't understand why Sones are leaving the fandom. I mean, why NOW? We already survived 4 dating news. Is it really because of the Instagram thing?