So in this rp i joined . I played Taeng and my rp fiance is Fany then , Then we are both from the same country and exchanged numbers in real life but we are not neighbors but we are soooooo close to each other in chat apps like LINE , WeChat , Messenger , we often call each other on the phone , We are not bestfriends like we are neighbors its just we are bestfriends on phone more like textmate or callmate , Well but what im saying is im a girl who has hypnophobia which is im afraid to sleep because of nightmares and she would always scold me for not sleeping early on chat or phonecall but then in the rp she acts like a sweet cheeseball fiance while in OOC of us , Well im confused if she really does love me , I mean i fell in love with her OOC , but i dont know if she loves me like a sister/bestfriend , BUT she calls me baby in OOC like she calls me baby in RP too , Im confused of her feelings , Just like i call her at midnight whenever im having a hard time trying to go to sleep , I call her she is still fully awake well she is very nocturnal , I call her at midnight when problems occur , Month of April i forgot what date that was  , My uncle that was my second father died at midnight i actually recieved a call from my aunt that he has died i chatted with her and she made me feel so safe and happy when she comforted me through words i was feeling really giddy that night and again in the month of April i forgot again , My brother who was the only one left of me which i live with my y cousin who always throw tantrums and anger to me for no reason , She drinks , She smokes and she had two times with her boyfriend in our house inside OUR bedroom that i shared with her but she just made me sleep on the sofa/couch with no pillow and sheets at all , My brother who took care of me because my mom and dad died when i was 4 , My brother died before my birthday , April 7 , My birthday and the burial of my brother , That night she even bought a mini cake for me and took a picture with it and sent me through Facebook Messenger she said though she cant be with me to celebrate it that night , She bought the cake just to celebrate it with herself and with me virtually , And now we keep communicating to each other we would always talk or chat like lovers but i dont know what she really feels about me , She makes me feel safe , happy and she makes me smile through words , One night my aunt adopted me which i live with my closest cousin now , The y cousin i hated came to me and said words about My parents abandoned me , I was hurt that i called her , She comforted me numerous time while i was just crying and sobbing on the phone that i cant even say a word , Even though i cant talk back to her , She listened to my crying , Thats what im confused of , Does she really love me the way i do to her? Help me to find out T_T , If i was just hurting myself for loving her so much or She really does have feelings for me


If you read the whole content of it Thanks :') You are very considerate


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