Why do you block me?

I'm feeling really bad/sad/depressed kinda because one of my friends keep blocking me... idk y like we talked alot over a year probably more? but she blocked me all of a sudden and i found her recently i just thought her account was deactivated but no she blocked me so i messaged her on my other fb and she was like "who are you?:)" and i replied " its me _______" then guess what....i got blocked immediately! what?! why! tell me why! i thought we were friends? if i did something wrong please tell me! she told my friend that it was because i was a stranger... we talked so much that u even said u would stalk me * lol btw* and that u wanted to meet if i ever go to europe again. so how am i a stranger? we even loved teen wolf and were spazzing out together when we found that out. was it because i tagged u in too many teen wolf posts? if i did just tell me and i wouldve stopped. im just sad that u dont want to talk to me anymore and u wont tell me what i did wrong... i thought we were friends. oh and she is a european cassie^^ thats what connected us since we were cassies but we talked alot more after that so not really strangers since a lot of us do that but sometimes dont even talk to the cassies we add, but me and her talked a lot, so i dont understand....


i shouldnt let it effect me but its rly hard. its like losing a friend and u have a chance to fix it but you can't get there. so your trying and trying but keep failing and its starting to get irritating but im still sad none the less


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dbsk5Lover #1
I think maybe she have a reason.. maybe she scared to tell you about something that lastly will make you piss off.. so she take the first step to distance herself from you.. then she act she don't know you.. when you was mad maybe she think she don't have to told you the trust because you will leave her alone..

It also can be she don't want to be your friend anymore.. Im not saying this to make you piss off or what but I just hope you can meet a good friend next time..
You don't have to be their friend if they don't want to be your friend..^^
because lastly you the one who will hurt..

I really sound like expert hehe~ *sorry:-C*
People come and go so just cheer up ^^~
She will tell you someday ^_~
I've block people before, but only if they pisses me off.

I think yours is just a misunderstanding >.< If you guys didn't fight before, there's no need for her to block you. I think she mistook you for somebody else (?)

Aww, cheer up *give lots and lots of cookies* I'm sure things will get better soon!
I know how it feels,it happened to me too once and i cant stop to wondering what i'd doing wrong.Its shocked me and hurt me.but then i decide to move on and never thinking about that person anymore.