
username — Midnight_Black
nickname — 
activity level  I log in at least once a day, but since the World Cup is happening I've been missing days. :P
english — Yesh. :)
chinese — Tried to, but utterly failed. So a beginner. OTL


Why do you want to learn Chinese?

It's a good ability to know in the future, especially since it can help with what careers I want to have when I'm older. Also, I really want to visit China! Knowing the language would be most helpful when touring, or when I decide to stay there. ^^ Oh and I have 2 chinese friends that has trouble with English so I want to make communication easier with them...


Anything you want to learn specifically regarding Chinese?

  • Basic conversations please! Xie Xie. ^^

Should others join this class? If so, why?

Well yeah, it's really fun from the beginning chapters and Jie Jie will do her best to teach you. 

Plus, Chinese is a wonderful language to learn. ^^



Jiayou Jie Jie!! I'm supporting you through this! 

*Waves a banner that says good luck while wearing a head band.*

how did you find my language section?

Haha a Sherlock pun. 

I found out because Jie Jie and I have been talking about it. ^^





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Lol that banner thing:) i did that when i copied ciang win in iswak:D the good times^^
Well, you're obviously not accepted... Keke, just kidding:)) Of course you are^^ why wouldnt you be~