okay so I'm kinda bored so I thought I would just kinda say hi I guess. You won't see blog posts very often from me since my life isn't very interesting but oh well. Bassicly I'm a newbee to all of this. I have only started writing my first story ever and have only been listening to kpop for maybe a year. I pretty much like the typical popular idol groups like EXO ( my fav), B.A.P, etc. I also really like ladies code. I'm kinda half a closet kpopper. My friends and family know I listen to kpop, but they don't know that I kinda only listed to kpop and that I read and now write fanfics, but oh well. Anyways, it's nice to be able to be apart of a kpop thing since only one of my friends likes kpop, and thats because I introduced her to EXO. Now her #1 searched thing that starts with e is enjoy the mayo. I'm so proud of her. But yeah. Thats me. Pretty boring right. Oh well, you know get to put up wtih boring me. Have Fun. K. Bye.


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