3 words

MUST USE 3 WORDS. (no more no less) Not as easy as you might think...(or is it?!)

1.Where is your cell phone?
its like missing

I hate boys

loose hee hee

4.Your mother?
in her room

5.Your father?
in the kichen

6.Your favorite item?
my teddy bear

7.Your dream last night?
 i forgot already

8.Your favorite drink?
 i love coke

9.Your dream guy/girl?
 this is lame

10.The room you are in?
In my bedroom

11.Your fear?
fear of men

12.What do you want to be in 10 years?
not sure yet

13.Who did you hang out with last night?
i'm a loner

14.What are you not?
a /pedofile

15.Are you in love?
no its disgusting

16.One of your wish list items
a new phone

17.The last thing you did?
done another blog

18.What are you wearing?
shirt, slazenger pants

19.Your favorite book?
hush hush nice

20.The last thing you ate?
rice fish carrot

21.Your life?
boring and uninteresting

22.Your friends?
dorks im joking

23.What are you thinking about right now?
eating yummy food

24.Your car?
dont have one

25.What are you doing at this moment?
answering these questions

26.Your summer?
rainy, cloudy, dull

27.Your relationship status?
no i dont

28.What is on your TV screen?
not watching tv

29.When is the last time you laughed?
1 minute ago

30.Last time you cried?
 i dont remember

i have holiday 


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LOL in number 3 when you said "I hate boys"...does that mean YOU LIKE GIRLS?!?! O.O AHAHAHHA we all know ur gay abarna...jks jks :P
Hmm, something else keeping me from my sleep!! :D
dude u always cry! hw could u not remember! :P lol