Bias Quiz (Stolen)

List down without any specific order


1.  Sehun

2. Jungkook

3. Myungsoo

4. Luhan

5. V

6. Suga

7. GD

8. Dara

9. Taeyang

10. Jessica

Q1. Who is the better dancer between 6 and 10?

 Taeyang? I think?

Q2. Does 5 happen to look like someone you know in real life/ remind you of someone in real life?
 Err, personality wise, then yeah.

Q3. Who would you , who would you marry, and who would you date and why?
Err, I wouldn't wanna anyone. I'd marry Sehun cuz he's my ultimate bias right now. And I'd date Kookie just because.

Q4. What if 1 and 9 are in a relationship?
Err, that would be weird considering they come from different companies. Plus they don't seem to look good together.

Q5. What do 2 and 4 have in common?
They're both so cute and adorable. Plus if u haven't figured it out yet, they're the two people that make up my username. Hehe

Q6. If 6 and 8 were kidnapped by 3, who would do a better job of saving 6 and 8? You or 5? 

Me. No offense V.

Q7. How did you come to like 10?  

Idk I just made her my bias in SNSD. Plus I watch her show with Krystal and I like it I guess.

Q8. iest person in this list that comes to your mind immediately? 

Probably Taeyang cuz of his video. Although I wasn't a fan of the shirtless concept, I do have to admit it. He is pretty hot~ Hahaha

Q9. Amongst these 10 people, if you had to choose one of them to be your father, mother, brother and best friend who would you choose?

Father? Idk
Mother? Idk
Brother? V cuz he would be a fun playful brother
Best Friend? Dara cuz we can talk about Filipino and Korean stuff

Q10. Do you have a OTP in this list? 

Err, can't decide between HunHan or Daragon. But probably HunHan.

Q11. If you were told to choose between saving 9 and 6?
Suga cuz well he's higher on my bias list I guess~ Sorry Taeyang

Q13. If you were told to choose between saving 8 and 5?

V and same reason as the other question.

Q14. Worst personality out of the 10? Be honest, not everyone is a saint or angel after all.

Idk. I don't know their true personality. Just the personality they show us or are told to show us.

Q15. If 1 and 2 got into a relationship with a girl, which one would you be more jealous over?

Err, idk. I luv both of them so much! But I guess Sehun cuz he's my ultimate bias right now.

Q16. If 4 wasn't a celebrity and wasn't famous and you passed by him/her in the streets, would you notice him/her?

Yes because look at him! He looks so adorable! It's hard to take your eyes off him cuz he looks so cute.

Q17. If you were to take number 5 and try to pair him/her up with his/her group members on this list (if its a solo, then someone else from the list), which one of them would be the most unlikely to be paired up with 5? 

People have been shipping VHope lately, I think. But for me, I prefer VKook cuz they're my top two biases in BTS.

Q18. First name on this list that comes to mind when you hear, 'badass'?

Maybe GD? Idk

Q19. Which group in the list would number 2 most likely be a fan of if he/she wasn't a celebrity and was a Kpop fan? And what kind of fangirl/boy reactions would this person have? 

I could see Kookie fanboying over girl groups. And learning their choreo too. He can already dance to a lot of girl group songs anyway.

Q20. Could you ship your best friend with 7?

No she doesn't like GD or Big Bang or YG Ent in general. She's so picky sometimes. Her favorites come from SM Ent


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