Relating to Characters?

Heya~ it is me again ^^ 

I've decided that maybe it is a good time to start blogging again, and since no reads these anyway I guess it is just a place for me to put my thoughts down on things that have grabbed my attention without it being too much of a public forum.  Plus to anyone that does read these I guess I'd like you thoughts on these random things that bug me, just so I know I'm not alone in my insanity. Also is it just me or characterisation in modern books is terribly done, so I tend to read manga to improve the way I develope character etc.

So lately I've been obessed with a new manga, "My little Monster". It has been a while since I sat down and read a Shoujo manga, after a while I found them boring and reptititve but this one caught my eye.  Why? I guess it isn't about any normal girl dating the popular kid, the leads are both a bit eccentric.  Which I love because let's face it there is no such thing as a normal person (in my world anyway).  

But surprisingly I got attached to this character called Natsume.  It is rare I really like the female side characters in a manga cause most of the time, they are kinda annoying (oops yeah I said that).  However, she became my main reason for reading on because for some odd reason I got her and her insecurities.  We aren't similar in most respects but sometimes there are these characters that you feel this pull towards because you just can relate to how they feel and somehow you wish that their love story will play out into your own.  I'm not making sense right?

Maybe I should just back track a bit and explain Natsume's character.  Basically she has no friends because she is extremely pretty and the girls are all jealous of her and the boys just hit on her.  I personally think that this is a bit far fetched, but you never know.  But she is scared as boys just like her for her looks, not because of her personality and consequently she hates boys.  Also she is insecure about making friends with girls just in case they have a a crush on a guy which eventually falls for her.  So she basically lives on the internet before she meets her best friends Haru and Shinzuku.  She loves both of them to bits and gets awfully clingy toward the pair (who she ships together) but also she is feeling forever alone because she feels like.

So, how can I relate? Well I guess I get that lonlieness and pushing guys away.  It is not to the degree she gets it but, as I get older I feel my friends are moving on with their lives.  But I guess I don't get into any relationships because I tend to push guys that might show an interest in me away (I have issues).  At the same time my standards for guys are a little too high and I'm pretty picky, especially since my first crush.  So that contridiction of wanting a boy friend but not wanting one is a feeling I well and truly get.  It is weird right? A character whose scenario that is not really believable but you still relate to them and there story? 

What is even weirder is that I feel that her love interested Saayan is the type of guy I actually need.  I always had things for prince like characters (Tamaki anyone?) but I weirdly when I was reading the manga I was thinking to myself that he was exactly the type of guy she needed. He was willing to get to know her as a person and break down those barriers and standards she set herself.  

So I guess after all that rambling is that from now on I'm going to start reading manga again because the sense of character and personality you get in some cases is done better then most contemporary novels.



It is weird what you discover when you take a chance on things at any rate :P 

The character developement is done really wel in the manga so I highly suggest you pick it up if you haven't.


So Vic's out~ .... and yes I'm going to update soon as exams are over~~ SCORE !! But not today I need sleep and clean my room looks like world war z took place.


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