status update!

hello friends and readers!

Sorry for the hiatus of a few months. I've been so busy with school, and traveling that I don't even have time to pick up my laptop and complete a few paragraphs or so to my fics. :( 

I've decided that I'll come back to writing when I return to the States! Which is next month around the middle of July. So for now please bear with me and my hiatus. I'm in the Philippines right now, Vigan to be exact. It's so gorgeous here, groans I'm in love with the historical sites and food!!

I'll traveling around the Philippines extensively for the next few weeks, going back and forth between the provinces and Metro Manila. So I'm sorry! I don't think I can be able to update soon. 

But when I do return!! Please expect very long updates and new fics on here and my livejournal hydroxyls~! I'm going to #420blazeit on my fics the second half of my summer.  

Thank you so much for taking your time to read this! 

You can find drop little prompts on my ! Or see how I'm enjoying my vacation oh my twitter~

-hydroxide/ E


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Enjoy your vacation and please don't feel like you have to update for the sake of your readers! That would make me feel really guilty that you won't be able to enjoy your vacation as much as you should. If you have some spare time on your vacation, read and keep up with your fanfics (that you're reading) but please don't think about the fact that we (your fans) will be upset if you don't update or if you don't give us a notice. You aren't obligated to tell us anything or update any fics while on vacation<3 Have fun, be safe, be careful, and enjoy your vacation <3<3 See you when we're back here in the states!
Hihi, alrighty~ =w=)//
Enjoy le vacation~