Question Game (stolen from SHINeegirl989)


1) Are you bored? It's 8:43 AM and I'm lying in bed, so I guess?

2) How old are you? 13

3) Are you a boy or girl? Girl

4) What country do you live in? If so, what state? California, United States

5) What are your talents? Dance, School Stuff, Idk I can't think of anymore...

6) What shoe size are you? 6

7) How much do you weight? U don't need to know

8) How tall are you? 5'

9) Do you have any older/young siblings? Younger

10) Do you have any pets? Used to...

11) Have you ever gotten into a fight? Not at school...

12) Do you like kpop? NAAWWW!!!! (Sarcasm)

13) What's your favorite color? black

14) What is the place(s) you have always wanted to visit? South Korean and anywhere except America & Philippines

15) Can you dance? Yurp

16) Can you sing? Yas

17) What is your dream career? Doctor...of some sort...idk

18) What is your dream college? I don't really know...

19) What are your favorite sports? Dancing, Swimming, Bowling

20) Who would be your ideal partner? Smart (idk I like smart guys), cute, cool, nice, caring, responsible, knows his limitations, and more things...

21) How many Pillows do you sleep with? 2 counting my pillow pet

22) If you could have any power in the world, what would it be? Telekinesis (I'm lazy a lot so yeah)

23) Have you ever sleepwalked? Nope

24) Favorite TV show? Err, We Got Married and Weekly Idol

25) Do you like clowns? They're ok I guess 

26) Do you like shopping? Depends...

27) Do you love or hate rollercoasters? I love them that I feel like riding one every single day of my entire life!!!

28) Which forgeign language did you have to learn at school? Err nothing...yet...maybe I'll learn Spanish?

29) Can you swim? yes and no

30) Have you ever been to a concert? Yes

31) Have you ever drank? No too young

32) Can you play an instrument? I can play Mary Had a Little Lamb on the piano. Idk if that counts tho~

33) Have you ever started a rumor? No I hate rumors.

34) Have you ever heard a rumor about you? No...I don't think so...there's nothing people could start rumors about me



1) Pepsi or Coke? coke

2) Shorts or jeans? Jeans

3) Short hair or Long hair? Long

4) Converse or Nikes? Converse


6) Kisses or Twix? Twix


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Hilleo #1
Wahh~ we have much similarities \m/
But, I'm shorter and dumber than you:(