Password Revival

I am just so happy that I got my account back that I want to write about it.

It just so happened that I clear all history,cache (whatever that is, honestly I don't really know the meaning of this,lol), and cookies on my phone that eventually resulted all password saved on my phone are deleted and all my accounts automatically logged out ( I didn't notice it at first,i'm just so ignorant,lol). Then, at one of my office break, I opened my AFF on phone to check updates and found out i'm not logged in. I freak out all of a sudden, coz I really forgot my password. I also didn't put any recovery e-mail, i was so frustated. So I just try guessing my password. And I tried so many times lik 1,000 tries (lol jk, i'm exaggerating, but i really lost count trying) for so many days, 2-3 days i think. 

What frustrate me is that, I have subscribes to so many EunHae fanfics and there are fics with 'subscribers only' so I really need my account. So I keep on trying to guess my password. My only clue is, i know it's somewhat my bias-related. I keep on guessing and eventually got tired of it, I just want to read Eunhae fics. So I ended up creating a new account just to read this fic that is 'subscriber only.'

It was all of a sudden at the middle of my work, as I was logging to a system that it hit me like a grenade (lol). My password just like flashed to my mind. HAHAHAHAHAHA. So i got my account back. And from now on i'm keeping tracks to all my accounts. I made a list of it with all the passwords just in case.

I guess i'm getting old. :)


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Venus12 #1
Omg omg hello! I HAVE THIS ISSUE CURRENTLY GOING ON. The only reason I am able to reply on your blog post is because my wonderful luck has let me stay logged in on my tablet....and. I'm. Not. Daring. To. Log. Off. After reading, your post I even hoped that I would remember mine at work too..... but to no avail! (Maybe it's because I technically didn't stop thinking about it so really, scientifically speaking I stopped my brain from roaming free to venture into the depths of memory) Dramatic, I know.

Do you know of any solution? ANYTHING at all to regain my password. I some how feel confident of the second half of the password. But maybe that's also stopping me from remembering an actual possibility because I feel so resolute on that decision. UGH!

Jebal! (T_T)