Elixir | Young-G


Byun Youngji
gorgeousmaknaes_ || Young-G || activity rate: 8

other namesArlene Byun (English), Hanako Byun (japanese)

— Hanako (name given by her mother who is a japanese, means "flower child")
— Jiji (cute nick name given by Oh Sehun and her friends)
— Arlene (given by her Grandfather)
— Snapback Child (she's a snapback lover, she have hundreds of snapbacks)

birthday & age: October 3, 1995 & 19
birthplace & hometown: Washington D.C (USA) & Incheon ( South Korea)
height & weight: 170 cm & 50 kg
blood type: A
— English ( native - she was born in Washington D.C )
— Korean ( fluent - her father's tounge )
— Japanese ( fluent - her mother's tounge )
— Chinese ( conversational - only learn a bit in school )

faceclaim: Oh Hayoung - Apink tumblr
back-up face claim: Goo Hara - Kara tumblr

personality traits: good : bubbly, Brave, workaholic, socialy active
                              bad : unable to show her emotions, sometimes rude, clumsy

Bubbly - She's not a shy person, she will get closer to you first and befriend with you, she's the caring and bubbly type so you won't regret friending her.

Brave - Ask her to watch a horror movie alone or hiking a mountain ? she won't be afraid of it, she's only scared to bugs that's all.

clumsy - she could just fell down and spill all the coffee on your face

workaholic - a working maniac or a hard worker, she'll never give up on anything and her motto is 'never give up on your life'

Socialy active - many friends from social medias such as instagram, twitter and more, but right now only instagram and twitter were in public. insta: @yong_ji310 twitter: @snpbck_lvrji

Unemotional - she only show her bubbly self, not her inside. she will keep on smiling even though she's hurt or etc

{onstage} - onstage, performing, she's 180 degree changing from a cute and bubbly girl into a y and mature type. Dancing and singing like she's not herself.

{variety shows} - she's back to her cute and bubbly self not y and mature and often make jokes 

— snapbacks [snapbacks are cool right?]
— ​avengers [her favourite's hulk]
— ​bubble tea [she likes it because sehun often asks her to drink it with him]
— ​black, gold and white
— ​horror and thriller movies [currently her favourite's The Conjuring]
— ​shopping [it's life you know?]
— ​cuddling [if it's cold]
— ​sneakers with high heels or wedges [wait.. what does it called?]
— ​playing games [gamer's life]
— ​akdong musician [give love~]
— ​nail polish

— Bugs [esp. the flying ones]
— plastic girls
— ​when dog dies [you know .. it's just sad how dogs died]
— erted guys [lol]
— someone who picks his/her nose in public [ewww]

— sleeping
— taking selca
— eating
— playing games in her phone
— nail art
— ​shopping
— ​read mangas [girly ones, not naruto, one piece, etc.]

—  her lips when nervous
— cursing when angry
— looking at her nails when bored or getting lectured
— cleaning her snapbacks off the dust once two weeks

— her current phone is Iphone 5s gold
— never had her first kiss
— have been single for 19 years
— she have hundreds of snapbacks at home
— was born in USA
​her father's korean
— ​her mother's japanese
— ​the only child in the family
— ​likes akdong musician
— ​her favourit song's Give Love
— ​instagram : @yong_ji310
— twitter : @snpbck_lvrji


She came from a non-strict and rich family, but she always wanted to show her parent's that she could live on her own. 
because she is the only child, she didn't want to bother her family because of her precense. she lives with her cousin since then and move out when she's 15 and lives alone in her apartment. She get attracted to kpop when she followed her cousin to watch music bank. she followed the audition on YG ent. to catch her dream. her father was an owner of a famous fashion company in korea 1/4 of the company's money went to Young-G. The name of the company is byunjirena. Her mother is one of the designer.

father | Byun Sungjo | 51 | a buisness man, owner of fashion company |kind, caring, protective | both are kind to each other, her father often calls her every 3 days to make sure she's fine 

mother | Ono Hana | 49 | designer | nice, caring, kind, outgoing | both love shopping and hanging out with each other every free time

best friend | Oh Sehun| 20 | a member of EXO | a bit cold, funny when you know him, rude | often messaging or meeting each other secretly. have been friends since kids because his parents were her parent's friends

stage name: Young-G
persona: Byun Yeoshin
position: Main Vocal
back-up position: Lead vocal, Dancer
fanclub name: jibacks
fanclub colour#ff3399

singing twin: Kim Namjoo (Apink)
dancing twin: Yoon Bomi (Apink)
rapping twin: --
talking twin: Bang Minah (Girl's Day)

trainee years: 3 years

trainee life: People there were accepting Young-G in their Community. The first time coming to auditioned she sang lee hi's "rose" and got accepted afterward. She's the best at language claass and singing class because of her pure voice but she's lack in dancing. But now, she danced better no more stiff

pre-debut experiences: has she acted in a drama? sung an OST? Maybe she has cameoed in an MV?
— a cameo on Huhgak's '1440'
— cameo in reply 1997
— she acted on 2NE1's comeback home

love interest: Oh Sehun
back-up love interest: Kim Taehyung
birthday & age: 12 April 1994
personality: cold, Funny if you know him well, a qtpie, a bit rude, protective
interactions: Messaging each others, meet each other secretly, pretend to be awkward with each other infront of other people so they won't notice that both of them were close to each other. often do skin ships to each other, share a cup of bubble tea with the same straw. treats her like a little sister but actually he have feelings for her too. He never wanted her to be hurted by other people. 
how you meet/met: his parents and her parents were friends
relationship: bestfriends
comments/concerns/suggestions?: i hope you like my application ouo
questions?: --
scene requests:
- when Sehun and Young-G secretly meets each other, sharing bubble teas.
- Elixir being dorky idols on weekly Idol
- Elixir on Runningman as guests along with some members of EXO[esp. Sehun]
-Elixir on ISAC and mr & mrs. Idol
-Sehun decided to confess to her a few months after debut and Young-G accepted him. No one knows about this including the members. They were secretly dating.


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