ourlove--Lee Su Min


character's name: Lee SuMin
age: 19
nicknames: Min
birthday: 08-13-95
ethnicity: korean
place of birth: jeonju , south korea
languages: korean
background:Su Min is an artistic person who has a creative mind,she mainly gets her creativity from all the dumb things she sees or does it may seem stupid when you think about it but hey artiest have to get their crativity/ideas from somewhere.Su min has  been living in jeonju south korea with her mom, dad and little brother ever since she was born. She's never been any where else but korea all her life she hopes one day she can have the oppertunity to leave korea and travel around the world,her main goal is to go vist america. She's always heard a lot about it ecspecially New york where she really wants to go vist maybe when she gets older she can go and live their one day.
personality: She loves goofy around, she acts like she belongs in a elementary school because of how childish she is. It may not seem like she woud be that type of person but artist need to have some fun too.Su Min loves to make new friends and learn new things about other people too, she really likes when people are interested on the things she draws it really warms her heart when people ask questions about art and ask her to teach them how to draw too.She always loves to help out people escpecilly when it has to someting do with art.
  • her sketchbook
  • paint/paint brushes
  • puppies
  • shoes
  • clowns
  • lightning
  • dishonest people
  • Interupting her when she's drawing
she hopes to become a famous artist
she really wants to get a dog, if she does she'll name him picasso
she used to be a graffitie artist
she puts all of her artwork on tumblr and instagram
she really wants to learn a different language
when she's bored she doodles on tables, napkins any thing she can draw on (including faces)
she likes drawing people without their consent
when she's happy she tends to clap her hands a lot
ulzzang name: Lee Chae Eun
bakeup ulzzang name: Jang Chom Mi
anything else: Sumin has a tattoo on her shoulder (it kind of has a meaning to it, birds can fly anywere they want to go and it kind of explains how Sumin really wants to travel all around the world almost like flying everywhere like a bird if that makes any sense) 
love interest:Wang Jackson
how you guys met: Su Min was in seoul to see some of her releatives she remembered a park that had a nice huge oak tree that she was meaning to draw, so she decied to go to the park. Ounce she got there she started to draw the preetty tree, the park was so calm and peaceful until a tall shadow appeared behind her.When she looked up a guy looked down at her and smiled and then said "Your a really good drawer are you a artist or something?"  She said yes Su min was really annoyed that he interupted her when she was drawing, but instead of curssing out the guy she decided to smile at him and ask "You really like my drawings?" He grined and said yes it's something he could never do he even joked around saying his drawings look like a 5 year old drew it that made Su min laugh she liked his personality before she could say anything else a group of six guys yelled at him saying that he needed to stop wondering out of the group, his name was jackson that's what they called him so I guess that's his name he got up and asked for her name Su min she said he grined and he responed well su min my names Jackson it ws nice to meet you, he shock her hand and ran back to his group.
backup love interest: Park Jinyoung
I can't wait for this story to start!
Sorry for the long sentences I hope it's not a lot for you to read if so let me know I don't mind changing anything.
A whole group date with everybody
Su min teaching Jackson how to draw 


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