To Fix A Heart Project | Just spreading the words ^^

Forwarded from : 5secondsofsummer

I've been through a lot lately. I've been self-harming, having suicidal thoughts, and hating myself for being not good enough. I've been feeling like this since last month. I don't even know what happened to me but I know that there's something wrong. I think it's because of the person who wished I had never existed. A sentence can break someone, right?

One day, my parents told me off for being rude to my dad. Well, no. I wasn't really being rude. I was just being casual to my dad and I ended up getting a lecture from my parents. Me, as a girl who found it hard to control my emotions, cut myself and then tweeted about how badly I wanted to die. Some people that I didn't even know (but we were in the same fandom) DM-ed me and begged me not to hurt myself. They told me to stay strong because so many people cared. They told me they loved me. After reading their messages, I stopped cutting (for that day) and realized what love was. Love is more than something that happens between a girl and a boy. Love is something we feel that makes us be at peace. And the second best kind of love (after true love) is the one that we receive from strangers. Trust me, being nice to strangers and knowing that we saved someone's life is one of the best feelings ever.


Since that day I started telling people to love themselves and not to end their lives. Now there are some people who talk to me whenever they have a problem and I'm happy to help them. I still self-harm though, but I tell people not to do it.


 I know some people who are depressed, bullied, or people who have a mental/eating/personality disorder, or people who self-harm, etc. And the only thing I want is to make them feel better. I want those people to know that they are loved, and so many people care about them. I know how it feels like to feel worthless, to think that everybody in this world hates you, to hate yourself, to cry in your room cutting yourself and see the blood dripping. I really know how it feels like to be this lonely and it hurts so bad. I don't want people to feel that way.


I wrote a song. The song tells you that you are beautiful in your own way and you have to be strong. You may be broken to pieces right now but someday everything is gonna be okay; you will get through this. Even though you are broken, people will fix you with love and you will know that you are worth it. You are more than your disorder.


What I need you to do is to record a video or take a picture of you holding a sign that says that everything will get better (and also things you want to say to make someone feel loved. You can put your twitter/tumblr/youtube userames if you want to). You can also hug your cam like this (click). I will put your videos/pictures in one video (as the main video) and use my song as the background music. Plus, if you can, please make another video of you saying "I love you" and I will put those videos in the end of the main video.


The deadline is the end of June 2014. I will record my song (in a recording studio, of course. I won't use my laptop for this because I want this to be beautiful. Oh, and my friend will sing this song because she has a really beautiful voice) soon and will upload the video + the song on youtube  on July 2nd. It's my 17 birthday.


I really hope you guys will participate on my project because it can save a life! I will write down the url to the video on some pieces of paper and put them in public places like restaurants, schools, hospitals, etc. I will also promote the video on social medias. Please tell people about this project and ask them to join! I need as many people as possible because it is a loop song :)

Send your videos or pictures to:[email protected]

Deadline: June 30, 2014

*If there's anything you want to ask just contact me through twitter @apocalum


Note to people on asianfanfics: I need your help to spread this. You can copy paste what is written in this post but please put my username and hyperlink it to my profile somewhere in your post. If there is anything you want to ask just PM me (5secondsofsummer) on asianfanfics or contact me through twitter @apocalum.Thank you! ^^

This is from me:

If you read this, well you alrady read this so yeah...
anyways, please and im begging for those poeple who are doing this to themselves, please spread this and participate if you can, post this message in your school and if you can that will be great or tell ur principal.

Ok, im out


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You forward it too? XD the power of blogging hehe..