Why Do I Have Seohyun As A Bias? (A ing Rant)


I am always discreet but I am so not restraining myself tonight.

Just recently, actually, precisely on June 10 (ing two days ago), Seohyun tweets something and includes a picture of her.

I am weird, I know, because I find her the iest at that. She's admirably daring. But at the same time, as a SEOMATE, I'm beyond happy because this means that she's that COMFORTABLE with people seeing her in pajamas + bare face + ridiculous wig. I don't know if you guys feel the same but I always believe that Seohyun doesn't really think that she's a ing drop dead gorgeous. She lacks enough self-esteem, especially since she's surrounded with 8 other beautiful unnies. But now, I can tell how much confidence she has gained. And her confidence isn't something that makes her big-headed or cocky. Rather, she is able to stay humble every single time.   

But I am so ing pissed off. I am very sensitive, I know that myself but I never show any sign about it. But not until I come into a realization. And man, I am beyond touchy — I just can't, I won't stand quiet in a corner and watch hypocrite, insensitive, uneducated, mannerless people talk bad about Seohyun. At first, this matter might rather lack substance. To be honest, I am just simply upset at how internet users bad-mouth her too – but hey, ignorant people always dwell on the internet nowadays, that isn't exactly something surprising. HOWEVER, as I come across some more tweets, something finally dawns at me – this isn't really shallow as it seems!

First, I want to share you guys the tweets, comments from different forums/articles that actually shed some light to me, knocking some more sense out of me.

This whole ruthless knetz crowd absolutely needs to off. They're a bunch of hypocrites. They're abusive - using the leisure of anonymity because they're all too coward to speak up with integrity. Internet is basically providing them vile opportunities to be one of the anonymous ones; to degrade people without dropping identity. They're all nothing but ing wimps! 


This has to be the sad part though. The comment tells it all. Funny how some sones claim not to mean any offense but say how 'ugly' Seohyun is. Really? Do they really think that won't be offensive, or at least not that much of an offense? WELL, FUNNY THAT I FIND THEM STUPID. OOOPS, I DO NOT INTEND TO OFFEND THEM TOO! I AM SO SORRY!


I also come across this comment.  


Apparently, it's a translation to the tweet afterwards the tweet with the pic of her bob haircut. She has this included too.

And man, I swear I almost cry at the realization. The previous tweet is supposed to be a joke. I don't know if she knows the sudden hate towards the hairstyle she suggests but the second pic intends to clarify that the bob haircut is just a concept-like that maybe she wants to pull off or just simply try. But this, my heart clenches at the thought that she's trying to reach us, she's making fun of herself and whatnot. God, I swear, I stifle a sob because I know I'm ending up all emotionally beaten up. She's crazy and I love her still! I want to point out that we share the same sense of humor. But I'm too furious for that.


And this is practically the message I want to tell. This embodies my thoughts and emotion at the moment. I want to kiss the ground this person walks on.


Now, I don't want to force everyone to see Seohyun the way I see her. Everyone has their own ways of perceiving things. Maybe, she can't pull off the style. But the thing is, why the hell do people have to disgrace others just to prove their point? Is there really a necessity to go on all bull at her?


I guess, just when I think that Seohyun is genuinely too incredible, she does this. She gives a whole new greater level of being Seohyun. She's someone who's able to admit her imperfections in the public, even amid the greed in the industry she's in, to look flawless all the ing time. She's telling us she's real, she's a human being like us. Goddamned, she's reaching us. If she's a goddess, she's like, bending her knees to us all peasants just to be with our level.

Maybe I talk and think too highly of her. And maybe I overlook at her flaws. Maybe I am just too biased. But I don't really give a about that because right now, Seohyun reminds me of being modest and sensible enough, to stay on the roots. She's the most unpretentious and chastest woman I've ever known of.

God I love her.




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marquez #1
well to be honest to you, the first time I saw the picture I didn't like it too. but what d f, I don't care and I still love my seobabe.
Amen to this blog.
You shouted what I thought too.
I was really surprised for netizens' reactions because when I saw her selca, I only thought that she is so cute and adorable. Eventhough it's not really the best hairstyle for her, but it's really a fresh thing. Especially with her non-makeup face. She is like a cute porcelain doll.
I thought that the selca would get praised, not a lot of hatreds. Lol. Definitely so much pressed netizens there. Tsk tsk.
And hatred for her aegyosals? Lol. She was born with it.
I guess the pressed haters hate her because she was born with the features that many women dream on.
I just wish she will bloom and spark more.
Haters gonna hate but she will achieve more and more.
I actually find her short hair cute..lol
She looks like a kid ü
But, actually it's quite obvious it's just a wig, so I'm surprised with the netizen's reaction.Luckily, I didn't come across those immature comments/reactions.

It's funny how people complain & label seohyun as boring/uninteresting when a simple tweet from her:
1. made them react this much (can't find anything interesting about her),
2. actually just trolled everyone (yup definitely doesn't know how to have fun)
3. proved she can't please everyone, ("Boring/unchanging" long hair vs cute short hair for a change) they always have something to complain

They honestly need to borrow some of seohyun's self-improvement books :))
Maybe then, they can be like SeoJooHyun.. a beautiful person who's not afraid to show her own skin ü
She doesn't even look that bad in the photo; people are overreacting. Sure, her aegyo ssal may look unusually prominent in the selca, but how many idols do you know can post selcas barefaced and with a wig just to laugh at themselves?

Some idols are way too preoccupied and obsessed with keeping up their image and trying to be "perfect" and pretty that they come off really conceited and self-absorbed. I'd like to see other idols post a selca of themselves like this and not care what people think.

When there finally comes along an idol that is confident in her appearance, enough to show her supposed imperfections people come along and say rude things about it. I'd rather hang out with someone that embraces their flaws than someone that tries to be perfect.
cumwhale #5
/kisses the ground you're walking on
totally, she still looks cute thou, if people dont have nice things to say, they shouldnt not say it
I totally agree with you .People need to leave her the alone. She's so beautiful how can people not see that? I just don't understand why people want to spend their time hating on someone just because of a selca....she can post whatever the she likes. People need to stop ing judging her... it's not a modelling show.