Awkward #8

1.  That awkward moment where you spell the word correctly but it just looks so wrong...So you just stare at it forever.

2. People call me immature I call it ''having fun and not caring what people think about me.''

3. That music video that has nothing to do with  the song.

4. Whe i was five sticking my tounge otu, was like giving someone the middle finger.

5. The hard part about loving someone is trying to show them how true your love is.

6. Sometimes I use big words I dont fully understand in an effort to make myself sound more photosynthises.

7. That awkward moment where you foret to press "send" so your sitting there like an idoit wating.

8. When I was little,  I fake being asleep so I'd get carried to bed.

9. Dear earphones, please stop having in my pocket. Sincerely tired of untangaling.

10. That awkward moment you get a sweet text and your just like"OMG how do I reply to this.."



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UKISSKissMe1313 #1
lol "That music video with no plot" (AKA EXO OVERDOSE *COUGH COUGH*) :P