Chinese Dramas Recomendation

Hello guys. It's me asking a question again

I've learned Chinese for 7 years of my life and I still don't know how to speak it. (Even most of my classmates doesn't lol)

This year, our school is gonna switch from written chinese to conversational chinese. That's why everything is going to be oral. And I'm really bad at oral.

And I'm the type of person who learns a language through TV shows LOL (anime, jdramas, kdramas etc etc.)

And I haven't really watched any Chinese Drama except for When Love Walked In (starring fx Victoria ^^)

And sooooo can I ask for

Chinese Dramas Recommendation

please (Mandarin language)

Thanks in advance! LOL


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You asked the right person: 还珠格格 1&2, 步步惊心,射雕英雄传,笑傲江湖,天龙八部,白发魔女传。。。。etc

Enjoy ❤
I am like fully Chinese. Most Chinese dramas are actually pretty bad but there is one series called I apartment it is really good. 爱情公寓is the Chinese name^^ it is a sitcom in a way but it if nice and have some humour.