
So I've decided I will be deleting our stories. 

Why? Because Summer has started and we want something for Summer-y(?). And we have also lost the charms of our stories lol. Besides, Tori is now on Summer break so she can do the updating for both of us. And I'm going to be busy with finals and such, you know, college things. I'm also attending the Taiwan concert next month so I don't know what I'll be doing afterwards because woah EXO. 


We will start a new story soon, one with (hopefully) comedy, not-so-much angst, and just beautiful with an OC. OH AND BABIES!!! 

And if anyone is willing to beta for us, because we both kind of at English. It's not our first language, though we both grew up in America/Canada OTL, please do PM us! Or make a poster for us, which isn't a requirement but it will be best! 

Yayay so, that's the update from the eldest owner, Dani. I think Tori is still sleeping (it's like 12:30pm over there) and I should be asleep (1:30am) but I'm too busy figuring out plots and such. Also characters that will be in the story. It's an EXO story (what our specialty is) so that goes over my head. I just might be biased and add SNS members lol. 

That's all. And please, if you would like to help our not-so-cool selves, then please PM us. (we're cool people, i fricking promise)


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