I Got My Season 2 Album today! :D

I got my Season 2 album today!

My hand was freaking shaking when I got the album. Haha. XD

Here's my photocard and poster. :3

I was hoping for the type C poster but getting Type A is fine too. ^^

I got Myungsoo's photocard! :D

I wanted Dongwoo's though. *pouts*

It's fine. When I have enough money, I'll buy his photocard. ^^

Next month I'm thinking about buying Infinite Paradise album.

Hopefully, the album still have poster. Haha.


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I got Jongie but I'm fine with that XD (would have preferred Woohyunie but what can you do?) My poster got mailed to my mom's house and not mine so IDK which one I got.
Should have. Paradise poster is folded in the album (:
No fairrrr~~~ I want mineeeee~~ Dunno when mine will be posted TT.TT