Sunday thoughts and questions

"I don't think I'll ever get married/find 'the one'!"


I think everyone knows someone who has said that or have thought it to themselves. It is like, even though we pride us self of being so very civilised, marriage or partnership is still the prime goal in life. It is evident in the way many of us think this thought but also, highly so, in the way other people respond when we voice that thought. 


"I believe you will find someone."


That is the most common response. And it is great because it shows that whoever is saying it also believes that the person who is in doubt is worth loving. However, in many cases this response does not stop the thoughts. In some situations it can even make them worse. 


"X says he/she thinks I'll find someone, why haven't I found someone, am I not worth it, were they lying, etc..."


Recently I read a book. It was one of those silly romance novels where you know what is going to happen from the first page on. However, this one did a number on me. There was this really unpleasant girl who was painted as the villain through books 1, 2 and half of 3. And then she did a turn and she suddenly made me question everything about this sick obsession with marriage and finding someone. 


"I don't know if you will find someone. I do, however, know that you don't need anyone to keep being the wonderful, strong person you are now."


Why, oh why for the love of God, do people not respond like that? Why would they try to convince you of their beliefs that someone is waiting, that, basically, you are not enough on your own, that you are not /whole/ without 'the one'? Why not say "You know, you might end up like a freaking cat lady and that is /okay/. That does not make you worth less than anyone else. You are still you and you don't need anyone else to shine. I love you the way you are and I will still love you if you end up with 15 cats named after Super Junior. You should not let your happiness depend on other people."


So that is basically what I will say to anyone reading this, who has ever worried about never finding true love. True love is not what makes life worth living. 'The one' is not a solution to all your problems. You need to do the things that make you happy and you need to do them because they make you happy. Don't sit around and wait for your prince(ss) in shining armour. Go out and slay the freaking dragon yourself! Life is a long road and it doesn't start the minute you find 'the one' and, similarly, it doesn't stop if you don't find him/her. Learn how to be happy on your own, because there is absolutely no guarenties that you will ever find 'the one' and you know that? That is okay. 


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