departure from roleplay

I'm thinking it will soon be time for me to leave this roleplay macrocosm for my own good. I will be busy in the summer after all and I haven't been myself for the past month. mostly because I'm not feeling it anymore??? I don't know if I should go or not, but I wish to do productive things and roleplay isn't one of them.


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eventually all roleplaying will have to come to an end.
so, whether your decision is to stop roleplaying now or
to continue. obviously it's up to you. and i'll
support ya if you stop roleplaying because honestly i
will too. success won't get you anywhere with roleplaying.
i dont think so anyway.

good luck in the future if you do stop. : )
g ot my first ever B in IB when i entered the RP world and i just-- i cried.
i felt like roleplay ruined my old self-- i became a procrastinator odg.
good luck in everything! o/
skirmish #3
pouts loudly
in all honesty, its probably for the best.
'm still stuck in roleplaying myself,
but i think it saps away people's happiness.
worst, there are other things you should be doing, yknow.
i nearly ed up high school bc i was rping instead of studying.
idk. i think rping ruined a lot of things for a lot of people.
enjoy your summer and get taller, write a book, something productive.
coercion #5
w eeps. you too. wow.