Lack of Updates + teaser for HSW+ The desire to Cosplay?

So first things first I feel terrible for not updating this week, I could have, but due to the fact I spend most of my time in class on twitter exams have really been stressing me out.  I guess it is more own fault but my brain doesn't operate like the average person's so having someone talk at me is the worst possible way for me to learn.  Also this semesters content is hard and some of it is very boring (you try learning about filling in court documents for hours on end). But I'll be back to my usually weekly updates in 2weeks, I might even throw in a double update and a new story, if I have time. I feel terrible for not updating and so I'll do my best to get back into the game ASAP.

So when will you see these updates ?

  • HSW's next chapter is about 2000 words in so just under half way so as soon as I recover from post exam trauma (that is a legit thing) you'll have that :D
  • Whims and Wishes has a lovely co author now!! Excited~~~  thank you Hae_is_Y_in_Red  for volunteering to put up with my madness and my non linear story writing process.
  • Virtual Hearts is in the process of being planned and it'll probably debut in a month (depending on how much time I get to write when I am in Vietnam).

Since I'm in the middle of exams and look like something out of the walking dead I have a strong urge to KPop cosplay again and add it to one of my hobbies. I'm kinda new to it all so does anyone have any recommendations on how to you know set up a blog, should I just put them on my tumblr or something. Idk if I'll end up doing this or not, sadly my wardrobe is not as large as I'd like it to be and my make up skills are mediocre at best. But it is something I want to at least try to do since I tend to have a lot of people ask me about how to incorporate the outfits you see in KPop subtly without looking weird too as you walk down the street. I'm not into fashion trends but I do in my opinion anyway get how style works so ... Yeah

So here is my Mr Mr cosplay to you know judge and then inform me that I should just keep to dressing up for purely my own enjoyment or not xD


PS. have a teaser for the next chapter of HSW :D 

"Haven't you caused enough damage already?" Kyuhyun whispered.  "If you don't back away from Victoria I will never forgive you." 

"What is there to forgive?" He chuckled manically his eyes glinting with menace.  "If anyhting she has to beg for forgiveness she is the one that started this all."

He missed them, so much he’d locked it away within himself to the point he felt like he was constantly on the verge of tears, the b emotions causing him to snap, to lose it completely.  Injured or not he had to give Leeteuk a chance.  Closing his eyes he stood in front of the cell that housed his soul mate, his eyes closed, bracing himself and his heart.  Part of him wished he never opened his eyes as he immediately fell on his knees at the site of his husband.  

“Don’t make me do this, I don’t want to hurt you.” Donghae whispered as he pulled his sword out as tears added to the water which was already streaming down his face.

“I’m afraid I’m the one that should apologise to you Donghae, because I’m not leaving here without you.”  


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