☪ Eclipse ❂ Lunar ☪ Jung Hee ❂




AFF Username: Prettyjongdaepls
Name: Rina
How Active are you: 5 or 6


Full Name: Kim Jung Hee
Nicknames: Jjangi( because her nephew couldnt say Jung Hee properly and they mixed with jjang!) , 
머핀(Muffin in korean because it was her go to food as a kid and because her pre school teacher had given her that name). Kim Hee (A compilation of her last name and the last part of her name, used mostly by her friends)
Age: 16-18
Height/Weight: H; short so like 150cm, W; 
111.8 lbs(i actually googled that haha)
Birthday: 1997
Birthplace: Pyongchang, South Korea
Homwtown: Busan, South Korea
Blood Type: A+
Ethnicity: Korean
Language: Korean(fluent), English(mediocre because studied abroad), Chinese Mandarin(Learning)

My Stage!
Stagename: Jung Hee
Persona: Jung Hee is the funny, loud member that enjoys seeing other people smile because of her.
유성 (Shooting Star)
Fanblub Color: Tyrian Purple(#C45AEC)

Position: Triple Threat, Sub-Rapper
Back-up Position: Main Dancer, Sub-Rapper
Singing Twin: Tiffany(SNSD bc this)

Dancing Twin: MInzy(2ne1) 
Rapping Twin:  CL(2ne1)
Talking Twin: Nana(Orange Caramel)
How did you get in: I was spotted on the street by a random scout person, I tried to avoid her for almost an hour when I realised she was trying to approach me, due to her being a complete stranger and me being the 12 year old I was.
Training Years: 5 years
Training Life: Being such a young person in the company was definitely hard, but a lot of the people around were of similar age so i didn't feel completely isolated. The late night/early morning practices really took it's toll on my studies but it was resolved when I was moved to get private tutoring from the company.  As a trainee it felt like I would be here tile i was 70, so when i was announced to debut it was an overwhelming and very accomplished feeling, although my mother never really liked the idol life, she was happy for me.

This is The Real Me!
Jung Hee likes to think she's a simple person, it takes a lot for her not to like someone and she gets embarassed or nervous really easily, hence the reason she cant talk to people she likes without looking like a fool. Jung Hee is easily convinced into doing things and she when asked to work she does so without being annoyed. She's smart and she knows this, but she doesnt try and flaunt it, Jung Hee is bubbly and happy depending on he people around but can ver easily fall into moods where everything and the world is horrible. Jung Hee like to flirt, but not in a "I want to be everyone's girlfriend" way, in more of a "I'm comfortable enough with you to flirt" way, this specific trait tends to get her in trouble in 2 ways, firstly because girls think shes trying to move in on "their oppas" who dont actually date them. And secondly because she tends to take it kind of far and guys end up liking her and then disliking her when she tells them she wants to be more than friends..

Background:  As a child Jung Hee was outgoing and oozed confidence, but growing up being told she wasnt good enough, or she wasnt as good as someone else slowly dwindled her confidence. She pushed to get where she was today, to not only prove them wrong but to prove to herself that she was better.  Jung Hee was raised in the busy streets of Busan, her family consist of her mother MaYoung, her father SooMan, she is an only child. Growing up Jung Hee was quite spoilt, tis the way of the only child, but it didn't affect the way she treated people e.g she did not turn her nose up and people she felt were beneath her. Jung Hee and Ma Young(her mother) argue frequently because they don't seem to see eye to eye with anything. In Busan Jung Hee was quite a popular kid, but she wasn't completely sure whether it was because she shared her pocky with everyone or because the girls genuinely liked her. Jung Hee only really had one friend that stuck with her from kindergarten, but soon forgot about her after moving away from Busan when she was 9.
Likes: Strawberry Pocky, When boys let their girlfriends wear their clothes, The Autumn season because it's very picturesque, Korean Street Fashion, KIMBAP
Dislikes: Pessimist, People who talk about themselves a lot, Spiders and Bees, Dieting, Public Toilets
Habits: Biting her lip when she's bored, Making weird faciasl when nervous, Rambling when shes embarassed
Trivia: Major daddy's girl. 

Here's My Heart!

Love Interest: Kim Jongdae
Age: 20 (I can make him younger, right? If he not hes 22)
Occupation: Idol
Jongdae is funny and flirty but he also takes working seriously. His clothes/style has an american street fashion feel, and he thinks its cute when Jung Hee makes weird facials. He's very stubborn, and always wants things to go his way. He's also really good at piano but not as good as Jung Hee.
How did you meet/will meet: Jongdae and Jung Hee met when their meals were confused in a resteraunt, and Jongdae, being the stubborn kid he is, approached boldly, Jung Hee presumed to ask for his meal back, and instead he sat with her and they ended up sharing meals because he noticed her as a trainee.
Interaction: (What does this mean?) Jongdae and Jung Hee both like to be right, they are both huge fans of skinship and can often be seen holding hands, or hugging. A lot of the other trainees thought they wouldnt last but are surprised at how strong they are. Jung Hee likes to run her fingers along Jongdae's collar bones when they're alone, ( ;a; i have the hugest thing for collar bones not going to lie). And he likes to rest his head on top of hers when they hug/backhug because she's short. (Did i do it right? Oops, sorry ;-;)

My Face is Bueatiful!

Comment: Sorry if it's bad, i dont really know how to do these im kind of new lol.
SuggestionS: I'm available as a co-writer if you're still looking for one, i don't mind if i don't get accepted i'll still be available :)


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