Fake Friends

Okay. Before you guys might say "HAHA I TOLD YOU SO!", I myself knew that this time would come. The so-called "fake friend era". I have entered it!

Basically this is what happened:

So me being the gullible and overly trustful person I am, decided to help this girl that was being bullied by the queen-bee. I told her to text me, call me, do whatever to let her feelings out and express herself. Okay, so. I didn't get A SINGLE text from her after I went shopping with her and another girl after a couple of days. 

So here I am, sick in bed with chest infection (where you cough and spit phlegm out) and I'm just casual on Instagram and I see nothing. 

THEN, I got into Snapchat and I see a really long update from one of the girls that I went shopping with earlier on and APPARENTLY, the bullied girl WAS FREAKIN SHOPPING WITH MS QUEEN BEE.

Seriously? Are you- no.

AFTER HER RANTING TO ME ABOUT THE QUEEN BEE saying how much of a FAKE she was, she's shopping with her. 

Makes perfect sense right?

And I had the stupidity to trust her.


{UPDATE} Okay so it is now Tuesday and the bullied girl (let's call her Ms sob story) only showed up today. She came up to me before school started and then she told me that she moved into my estate (neighbourhood) 2 days ago. Okay great, nothing to say to that except wtf why? Anyways, at least I knew someone there from my school because I'm an EXTREMELY antisocial person and anyway, most of the kids in my estate are like 8 anyway. So at lunch time, sob story comes up to me and she's all like : "Oh Lora hey! Look me and *Ms Queen Bee* are going to knock for you at 3:30 is that okay?" So I lied to her and told her that id probably still be doing homework (I finished it in class). 

Now what really bothered me, was that she acted like she could only knock for me with Ms Queen Bee's Permission. So I'm here all like: 


Anyway, we have a school tour tomorrow and I just want to take my mind off some things. My partner for it might not be in tomorrow so... Yeah.


로라 (Lora)


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wafflewaffle #1
my family and friends says i'm too naive and it's definetely NOT good. and proved.
there were some people suppose to be "friends" but instead all they did were turn their back at me, stab me in front and in my back, and making stupid rumors bout me and make people look at me with disgust. that make me feel like idiot for ever trusting them. yeah, so much of being naive.
fortunately i still have real friends :')
I have a similar experience... and I cant totally relate. Really makes it harder to trust other people, who may actually be nice people, and in the end making you look unfriendly.
LuvDoc #3
I would be so pissed! Yes women certainly can be! Grrrr