The Debate on Selling Fanfiction.


Hey guys,

So as some of you know, writing is one of my greatest passions and with that being said, I have always thought about selling my work. But I just simply cannot as it is.

I have seen authors on this site sell their fanfictions and do well doing so, in my opinion; it’s not so much wrong as it is living on a name. Like all the power to you if you have enough subscribers willing to buy your hard work, but I just don’t see it as legal.  

Can you imagine if an artist were to find out you were selling their name without consent? (By name I don’t mean like an actual name, I mean the fact that you based that entire character off of, let’s say, Kyungsoo and you didn’t bother to change it and…, do you get what I mean? I mean, yes, there is bound to be more than one Kyungsoo in the world, but still, I hope you get what I mean.)There would be lawsuits left and right.

50 Shades of (oh my god no) Grey was once a fanfiction and the author was smart enough to change the names; to me, that is decent.

If I did ever decide to publish my work and make money off it I would change the names and even though that may deteriorate the reader count, it would still be legal and I could copyright that .

So yeah, just my thoughts, what do you guys think?


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If the story line is really interesting and the character development exists without basing it simply on the idol's known personality, then I think changing the names of the characters is a good idea but selling it straight as fan fiction is a little... I would personally be extremely embarrassed if I ever did anything like that (not that I would though, just saying).
Gyaaaa #2
As ridiculous as it sounded, here in my country there are publishers who sell a fanfiction as a book. complete with the idol(s) photos -the ones used as the character- as a cover. i hate it whenever i go to the bookstore and see that books. and i really think that kind of illegal, or wrong, because they get money from that books, and the ones made it sold don't even know, leave alone get a royalty.