
English (fluent)

Filipino (two dialects: Tagalog Illocano; understand fluently, but can't speak it)

Korean (learning)

1) Favorite word:

English- Idk... There's so many that I like...

Filipino- Kilig! Haha it means spazzing or something like that.

Korean- I learned a new word today! I really like it! It's Jahgiyah. It means Honey. Idk, I find it cute. It's not honey like the one that bees make. It's the one that couples use for each other.

2) Hard word to pronounce:

English- Nothing. I'm fluent.

Filipino- Sometimes I try to say hindi (no) and for some reason it doesn't sound right. Lol I think it's cuz of my American accent.

Korean- There are lots of hard words to pronounce...

3) Word you find funny:

English- Omg there's a lot! Umm... For some reason the word Bobble makes me laugh. Lol

Filipino- Aray (Oww). It just sounds funny to me. Lol

Korean- Ddokboki! Haha it sounds funny to me.

4) Word you mix up with another word:

English- Nothing.

Filipino- Na Ako & Na'ko, Sa'yo & Sa Iyo. Wait, isn't it like Had Not & Hadn't?

Korean- My lil sis told on me for saying a bad word once. I said this, "Niga Joha (I like you)" and she heard the "Niga" part and yeah... I didn't get in trouble tho~

5) Word you use when you're angry:

English- Oh every word in the book...

Filipino- I tell my sister that she's ugly or she's stupid in Filipino. But later on she cries cuz she doesn't even know what I'm saying.

Korean: "Ah jinja?!?!" Or "Babo!" But I don't use Babo often cuz my sis knows what it means...

6) Word you use when you're happy:

English- Yes!! Yay!! Cool!! Awesome!! Omg!!

Filipino- Ay dios ko! (Omg), Sobrang Saya! (So Happy)

Korean- Daebak! Yehet! (Lol Yehet isn't technically Korean, but it came from a Korean person? Lol Sehunnie), Ohorat (Again Sehunnie)

7) Word you use frequently:

English- Ok. Lol I always find myself using this word a lot during the day...

Filipino- Aray. I don't say Oww much anymore. I prefer Aray when I get hurt now. Lol

Korean- Kiyo! There's always some sort of cute thing that happens everyday.

8) Food:

English- There's a lot...

Filipino- There's a lot...

Korean- I don't know much food...

9) Song:

English- I like the song Problem by, Ariana Grande lately.

Filipino- Buko (Coconut, but it's supposed to be a play on words. It's supposed to be Buhay Ko (my life). Hehe get it? Buhay ko? Buko?) by, Jirah Lim.

Korean- Lately I've been listening to Taeyang's new album Rise a lot.

10) Group:

English- Like a band? Hmm, lately I've been listening to One Republic, Maroon 5, Daughtry... Yeah bands like that.

Filipino- Err...can't think of any bands or groups. Oh I know this old band: Cueshe. And I know a little of Parokya Ni Edgar...

Korean- Do you want me to list them all?


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omg coconut ahahaha

btw you're correct~

coconut.. pfft..