new karma system..

You guys heard about the new karma system?

what do you guys think??



new note:


One of the problems of Asianfanfics when I first started it was that it was too quiet and that people weren't talking to each other. Then I came up with the karma system to try and incentivize people to start socializing more and it worked well for a long while. 

Fast forward to today: we have close to 100,000 registered users and a very active community and karma has become more of a competition than anything else and it has encouraged some to spam pointless posts everywhere in the pursuit of more karma. 

I will be creating a new karma system that will be highly dependent on the quality of the comment. Karma may also go down as well as up depending on everyone else's perceived quality of that comment which users will soon be able to up or down vote on. So if you've been spamming stories and blogs with useless comments, I would highly suggest that you start deleting them now because the more of them you have (and the more annoying they are to other people), the higher the chance that you will be downvoted into the negatives. Oh yes, we will go into the negatives! Fun times =) 

P.S. I've temporarily disabled karma increases from posting comments on stories and blogs until I have the new comment karma system in place. It will take a week at most unless I have a highly productive day.


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i hav kno idea... maybe like some online points like, er-
maybe like the points where you can get popular or somethin...
here's the faq:

Q: What is karma for?
A: Karma can be used to purchase particular features on Asianfanfics. Think of it as AFF currency. Karma can also increase your chances of having one of your stories featured.
what is karma 4 anyway?
ooops...I should stop spamming nyansuju's story
-guilty face-
i kno~ :)
Me thinks its cool~ Especially the negative part xD
Jkitty_123 #6
No what is it?
nope? what is it?