WTF Questions

WTF Questions:

1) If you were to choose between having a mustache or a beard, which would you choose?

- WTF?! Idk! Maybe a beard cuz I'd want to it. Haha

2) If you were to be any kind of monster, what would you be?

- Err... A vampire!! No!! A zombie would be daebak!!

3) How would you react if your bias walked in your room and saw you ?

- WTF?! Oh Mai Gawd, I'd scream and cover myself!

4) What is your favorite finger?

- Middle! Haha jk! Maybe my thumb cuz it can say yes or no, good or bad. Lol

5) Do you believe in Santa?

- Nope. Never have. Never will. I will happily tell my children that Santa isn't real. Lol

6) Who do you wanna fight so badly?

- My lil sis! How I'd love to sock her in the face some time! Or perhaps jump her when she isn't looking! Lol

7) Do dreams really come true?

- Err... Idk? It depends? If you're talking about my dreams, then no. They don't really come true. :(

8) If you were to build a house out of anything, what would you build it out of?

- The list goes on! Marshmallows (u can never get hurt), jello (that would be so fun BOING)...

9) If you were to break any school rule, what would you break?

- Idk... Dress code? Nah, I don't like showy clothing anyway. Things you can't bring to school? Why would I bring a gun, drugs, or any type of weapon to school? Nothing really I can break. Plus I have this goody goody image at school and I wanna keep it that way. Lol

10) Backflip or Frontflip?

- Neither! I wanted to learn when I took gymnastics, but err... I only went for a day cuz the day after I was sooooo sore!! It hurt like hell!!! I never went back again. We wasted like $200. Wtf?

11) Scroll through your songs with your eyes closed. Then choose one without looking. Does the song match how you feel?

- What kind of question is this?! WTF?! Ok fine I'll do it... The song I had was XOXO by, EXO. Does it match how I feel? No, I don't feel like kissing or hugging anyone at the moment. Maybe... Idk... Maybe Sehun... Wtf?...

12) Is there anyone that looks like you?

- How would I know?! I hope not. My face stays my face!

13) Is your plumbing good?

- WTF?! Err...yes? Idk... I don't pay attention to my plumbing.

14) Slap yourself in the face. Did it hurt?

- Nope. I'm pretty weak right now cuz I'm pretty tired.

15) Do you wish that you could fly?

- Yaaass! That means I can go anywhere I want in the world!

16) Pork or Beef?

- WTF? Maybe beef? Pork is too fatty sometimes...

17) Recent funny memory?

- Haha my lil sis was crying cuz my dad wouldn't let her have any pasta. Lol

18) Movie you wish you were in?

- I wanted to be in Death Bell (Korean horror movie). But instead of getting scared, I'd be laughing my face off! Lol

19) What do you use to wash your face with?

- Err...soap? And water? What kind of question is this?

20) If you could wish for something to never exist, what would you wish for?

- Never exist? Hmm... Shell Fish! I hate clams, oysters, and mussels! Blah!

21) The only color in the world?

- Hmm...maybe blue? At first I thought of black, but then that would be creepy and weird...

22) Favorite thing to clean up?

- WTF?! I hate cleaning things up! But if I were to choose, then it would be stuffed animals. Before I put it back on the shelf, I'll hug it first. Lol

23) What is one of the funniest facts you've ever heard of before?

- Do you know how grades are A, B, C, D, & F? Do you ever wonder why there's no E? There was gonna be an E for a grade. It was supposed to resemble "failing", but then people decided against it cuz students started to think it meant "excellent". Lol

- Another fact: Did you know the US's fattest president got stuck in his own bathtub? Lol Fat presidents...

24) If you were to be a cartoon character, who would you be?

- How about an anime character? I'd like to be Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket. Idk, I just like her...

25) Change your name? What would your new name be?

- Idk. Something awesome. Err...maybe I'll just keep my name. There's nothing wrong with it anyway. Well, it is a common name... Eh, Idk...

~ WTF?! These questions are so weird! Lol I'm so random right now... XD



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