25 Questions (stolen)

1.Are you bored right now?

- Nope! My little sis is gonna be gone for 5-6 hours! That means I can do anything I want with no little sis to annoy me!


2. Spell your name backward.

- elleinad... Wtf?


3. State your age, weight and height.

- 13/###lbs(not telling)/5ft


4. What is the last thing you eat and how did you feel about it?

- Oreo and I thought it was too sweet...


5. Grab the nearest book, turn to page 7 and what is written on 7th line?

- One eye had been cut out when he was a kid, and now he wore the kind of thick glasses that made his eyes (both the real one and the glass one) preternaturally huge, like his whole head was basically just this fake eye and this real eye staring at you. (The Fault In Out Stars)


6. Who is your ultimate bias?

- It always changes...


7. What you're going to do when your bias is going to marry with your mother/father?

- I will get really mad and at the wedding I'll be screaming, "It should've been me!" over and over again.


8. Describe yourself.

- quiet, but likes to participate in a lot of things... smart, and really competitive... weird at times, but cool to hang out with...


9. How you're going to react if your bias suddenly appear and lying beside you in the morning?

- Scream then take lots of pics...but basically I'll fangirl the whole time Lol ^^


10. Who is the last person you sent message to and what did you write?

- My BFF. I sent her, "I hate you!!" because she sent me a pic of her eating at my favorite restaurant. >~<


11. The most awkward moment happened to you.

- Said something really weird and my crush was nearby... >~< I didn't intend for him to hear it! It was meant for my sister and be just happened to be nearby!


12. Look into the mirror. What did you think?

- I have eye bags! I need to get some sleep!


13. What did the latest thing that your mom/dad bought for you?

- Stabucks! ^^


14. What is the latest drama/movie that you watch and what did feel about the drama/movie?

- Drama: My Love From the Star: One of my favorites! But, err...not finished with it yet... Movie: Mama: Lame excuse for a horror movie...


15. What is the latest fanfic that you read? Mind to share?

- Does my own count? I read my updates over again to check for any mistakes.


16. How you're going to react if your house suddenly blackout?

- Get insanely mad cuz that means that the power is out


17. What is your biggest fear? Give a reason.

- This may sound weird...but believe it or not, one of my biggest fears is getting an F. I got one one time and I cried, but the F didn't last long. It turned into a B in just a week. Wtf?...


18. Had any twitter or Tumblr account?

- Nope


19. Did you had any real life friend here, in AFF?

- Yes I have two. I'm not saying who tho~


20. What is the latest song that you dance to?

- Growl by, EXO Haha I actually learned the whole choreography. ^^


21. Your Birthday?

- Jan 18

22. What is the last thing your mom/dad said to you?

- Mom: "Watch the baby, I'm gonna eat dinner now."


23. What did the last thing that your friend said to you.

- "Bye!" It was at the last day of school


24. Say 'I love You' to the nearest person around you. What did she/he reply?

- Nothing. My baby bro can't even talk yet. But he did stare at me like "What are you saying?" Lol


25. What is the song that you hear right now? Change one word in the song title into 'sh*t'.

- Love You to (Lol it's supposed to be "Love You to Death" from Taeyang's new album ^^)


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OMFG HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHHA this is hilarious xD stealing :)
and jfc ur lil bro lol
BWAHAHAHHA dat sh*t though XDDD