Awkward #5

1. That awkward moment where your acting very weird infront of your crush.

2. That awkward moment where someone asks whats wrong, and they are the problme.

3. That awkward moment where your taking a bite of your pizza, and you accidently bite the whole layer of cheese off.

4. That awkward moment where someone is crying and your trying your hardest not to laugh.

5. How you get sleepy after crying, its like your mind is telling you "you suffered enough, its time to shut down abit.

6. This long distance relationship is killing moving my fridge to my room.

7. That awkward moment where someone tells you your zippers down.

8. Dear kindergarden children, if you dont like nap time please give it to us. Sincearly High Schoolers.

9. That moment where your eating ceral and the last four peices are like "come catch me ."

10. That awkward moment where you relize someone was home while you were singing songs at the top of your lungs.


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