Addressing AFF Confessions.

Listen, you ungrateful little .

People like you are the true reasons why many author delete their stories, deactivate account, and put it to subscribers only. They work their brains out and hours just to work on a freaking single chapter. 10k words. Do you think it's little? Why do you think they write? Passion (or maybe popularity, whichever fits.). Why do they publish it here? If they want to write for themselves, there's a little way they would publish it here. People publish it here, so they will know how to improve. How do they know? From readerrs, who give feedback. 

You're lucky not everyone have the same mindset as yours. If they do, I'm quite assured no one will enjoy fanfics.

And for authors suffering these kind of things. Just be grateful with those who love your stories. At least not everyone have the same mindset as this user.


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That biatch
paintheskyy #2
This sounds like the Bystander Effect. Hahaha. Can't believe we're seeing it here on AFF. Hahaha. Oh well, but the world is starting to become a selfish place. Idk why but I'm not exactly surprised by this confession. Hahaha.

An author who begs for comment is pathetic, a story who don't get comments is pathetic. But how about a reader who don't comment? Well, that's normal ain't it /cold laughs/

Sigh. This is the society that we are in, unfortunately ): do our best - i guess. Do our best and pray faithfully and earnestly to the writing fairy for our story to be noticed. Sigh.
#P R E A C H
-claps- u tell them!

well as for me... I tend to be picky on who I subscribe to especially if the person has barely updated or if the story simply does NOT lure me in/interest me. If it does though, I will definitely sub and comment.

Back to public enemy #1... Im getting my gun
join me if u wanna
Not gonna lie, sometimes I like to clean out my subscriptions page and I unsubscribe from some authors. BUT i always try to notify the author beforehand to let them know its not that I didnt like te story but because im clearing out my reading list.

There's no reason for that guy to be an though and make that comment...
seamusmommy #6
Yikes! Well, I'll tell you I won't jump to read a subscriber only story. But having started my own story, I'm more apt to comment on the stories I do read. But I would never say anything negative. I might give a suggestion, if I feel comfortable with that author.
Sigh. Well, like everyone else said, probably better to just ignore this person, whoever they are.
TTT-TTT I am so grateful not all the readers on AFF are like that user. That's just messed up. I think it's really selfish to do something like that. Selfish and inconsiderate. But it's not like we can do anything about it. My 5 yr old sister won't even throw away her trash even if I yell at her for 3 hrs
This blog supposedly doesn't allow bashing, yet I see hateful posts just about everytime I checked on it. I think shin-oppa said it best. If that reader doesn't care about authors why should we care about readers who behave like that? We authors do work hard on our stories. We work hard to make sure everything is in good quality. We don't need followers like that person around trying to make others feel bad.

I've come across many who are like that bug ignoring really is the better option ^^
10k words in one chap is damn long! And they don't know how hard to write damn long!! I honestly never write a chap longer than 4k but I really struggled to write that much :"
I'll just c/p what I wrote on tumblr.
"Ignore it. Just how the confessor doesn’t care about authors, we should also not care about him/her and everybody else that does it. Readers that are worth it, be them silent (believe me, they can be just as amazing even if they rarely comment) or active, are still there and deserve your attention, no need to get angry."