Healing Lost - REVIEW - ♚ Mental Breakdown Reviews ♚

Calling for chubbyfaceDiVa

"Healing Lost"

Author: chubbyfaceDiVa

Main Characters: Kim Jaejoong

Genre: Angst

Status: On-going

Description of Story:
What happens when your biggest source of comfort suddenly disappears, only to chase you into the deep hell of your own despair?
Where do you turn? Who gives you release?



Story Title: 5/5

The title catched my eye instantly on the first reading, it reminded me on ubnfortunate and unrequited love but later on I was so wrong. :D Title 'Healing Lost' isn't common in the world of AFF and other fanfiction sites so you choosed unique and great title! And also I simply adore title you specified 'Namanoe Wiro'.  Also the title already gives that angsty feel that story has so good job on choosing title! 


Graphics: 7/10

Stage's lights as background? I like it, it's very unique background and also it fits to story quiet well. Poster? I am not so sure. Don't take this wrong way, but like I already had suggested you in lateste review ask someone to make a poster for you and background. Because posters attracts more readers. True poster fits very ell with the story but I would suggest yu to ask someone to make it for you. :)


Description and Foreword: 10/10

Wow...I made sure to read every chapter carefully to see if you have errors but nope, I didn't. I am very suprirsed and happy that I can read story without been confusing. Description and Foreword? I love them! Description is very neatly. Very well written. Foreword I liked more because YOU used lyrics of my favorite song that fits with the story quiet well. :D


Characterization: 10/10

In first chapter, we are seeing Jaejoong waiting for Yoo Rim he is slowly struggling with patience. Why? Because he wants to know why she keeps ignoring him with no reason. You made his character very realistic in my own opinion. You expressed every possible emotion he felt. You didn't named chapters but you named them as acts just like in those Shakespears's books which I adored. Nobody dared to do that, but you did. That's actually the first thing I noticed when I clicked on your story :D


Plot: 40/40

With every written chapter, I was slowly liking the plot. Plot is very unique, it's not over-used, it's not cliche either. I'll say this once again, NOBODY on aff world didn't dared to come up with this kind of a plot. Plot is very diffcuilt since its angsty but you challenged yourself to write it andyou work very hard.


Consistency: 4/5

The story has nice flow, it's not too rushed nor it's too slow, it's a middle, just like it should be. But...I wished if you have added a chapter from YooRim's POV to see how she have felth while she was kidnapped and abused. Because I am sure that its not very nice that it must be hard to her. It's a suggestion. You end it nicely though it wasn't happy ending.


Readers' Responses: 4.5/5

You do have readers who are liking your story. I like how they are so supporting you but...story needs more readers as well. No matter how annoying is...advertise story on your friends's walls or in advertisement shop. :)


Grammar and writing styles: 10/10

I love how you have written the story. I liked how instead of chaoters you named them acts as I already have pointed out. You were very detailed when you were explaining scenes. You also were very detailed when policemen interrogate Jaejoong. And a scene when Jaejoong's wife almost tried to struggle him. There isn't a grammar mistake or mispelled words. It's perfect!


Over-all enjoyment: 5/5

I enjoyed reading your story, even if it has a sad ending I really enjoyed reading it and reviewing, I had really good time. I wish you very good luck with yur other projects as well! ^^


Total Score: 95.5/100

Story Link: Click here.        Requested by: chubbyfaceDiVa        Reviewed by: deedee_zelo90
You just earned your ticket for the Hall of Fame. Congratulations!


Reviewer's Note:
I am so sorry for such long delayed. Just I have really packed schedule. I recently started working at a touristic company I am trying to focus on learning my job and also I have school and exams so I am so busy :( But I ifnnished your review like I have promised. ^^ Anyway, don't forget to credit this shop! You can do it by using the banner below,
or by a link linking it back to this shop. Thank you. ^^
P.S. UPVOTING is 100% loved!!!
(The original chapter can be found HERE.)


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