I'm really sad right now..

I'm sick of getting called stupid/an idiot

getting made fun of

having every flaw being pointed out to me for no reason



I don't care if you think you're better then me! you're not!

I'm not the one who smokes,I'm not the who became a teen mom.

I'm stupid? You can't even figure out how to fix our wifi,FYI,JUST UNPLUG IT FOR A MINUTE.

Yes,I have flaws. everyone does. my teeth are not exactly straight,my nose has a bump in it AND IT WAS YOUR FAULT,I stay home all the time,I don't have any friends in this town,I don't have a boyfriend but you know what? I'm perfectly happy with the way I am. I might not have friends in this town but I do have the best friends I could ever ask for in Texas,Louisiana and Florida.

I have amazing friends all over the world,I might only talk to them online but they're nice to me then you have ever been.

I try so hard to get along with you but all you do is make fun of me and everything I do.

when your friends are at the house you just get worse.

you tell your friends I won't watch your child for even just a second so you can get something making me seem like a bad aunt when you know I'm not comfortable watching a child who is in the bath or I'm not comfortable being home alone with a child.

So yeah,I'm not perfect but at least I try to be nice to you even when you're being a bully to me.

But now I give up. I'm done.


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whhhhaaaaaaat that's mean *hugs you*
Tell her to bug off lol.