I Write Like.. (stolen from two persons)

I write like
Dan Brown

I Write Like. Analyze your writing!

Wow.. I couldn't believe.. Dan Brown is my fav author!


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I tried with the drafts of a few of my stories and got 4 different authors who I've never heard of before. ._.
William Gibson, Chuck Palahniuk, Cory Doctorow and H.P. Lovecraft.
I got Charles Dickens
I tested several excerpts and I got David Foster Wallace and Chuck Palahniuk in most of the ones I submitted, like 80% f the time, but it varies on the kind of story line one writes. It's crazy how the tone of their works are always dark and on the negative side...Thanks for this!^^
I got Athur Clarke. XD
No idea who this is but I eventually looked up for a PDF version to one of his books. Guess analysis wasn't that wrong at all.